John 5:4

Four Strong Winds


Just as in the spirit of John 5:4 it is my belief that there is
nothing remedied by sitting and watching. It takes an effort
on our parts. However great, however small we MUST do
something to help heal the grievious wounds our country
and her people suffer from as a result of the complacency
we have fallen into regarding our veterans, our POW/MIAs,
and our military personnel as a whole. I am no angel, but I
hope here to offer that which I can to those who will, and
those who need,through material and services listed that
chance to heal and to help in the healing of this country that
we love. So now I ask that you, with open heart,as an angel
who troubles or as one who is seeking...



torch POW/MIA emblem Not forgotten torch

Goodbye My Darlin' Hello Vietnam

The Author of this page
-Joni R. Terrio-
is a proud member of
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