Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Leah. I would like to first tell you a bit about myself. I am 25 years old and my birthday is March 27. I am 5'3", I have brown hair and eyes.
I am pleased to announce that I gave birth to our first child on October 6th, 1999. We are so excited about this as we have been anxious to have a child for quite some time. We now have a beautiful baby girl we have named Velicia Katherine. She is the love of our lives and a very good baby. She weighed in at 6lbs 1/4oz and 20 1/2 inches long.
As you can probably tell, I love wolves. So keep watching because I have alot of them in and around my page.

I will start by telling you things like where I am originally from and stuff about my life, then and now, as well as where I live now and how I came to be where I am today. And I can't forget to mention the wonderful man I have been married to for almost 4 years. Keep watching there is more to come.

I grew up in Ontario. In the Ottawa Valley. It was a great place to grow up, lots of friends and lots of activities for us as kids. I was 100% TOMBOY growing up and had lots of friends. Almost everyday after school, all us neighbourhood kids would get together for a game of baseball in the field across the street from my house. The guy who owned the field always gave us trouble because as kids, we didn't know what to use for bases so we dug little holes in the grass that turned into bigger holes as the years went by, but it was alot of fun. Another game we enjoyed alot was jump rope which we played as soon as the street lights came on. The rope was made of elastics tied together, that was the best!
I jumped around from school to school all my life because of the way the schooling worked at that time. Never knew where they wanted to ship us next.

I would've finished high school but I was in a tragic car accident in 1991. I was almost killed in that incident by a perforated bowel. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance and from there Airlifted to another hospital as they weren't sure that I would make it in the ground ambulance. It took them 1/2 an hour to get me to the hospital by air and an hour and a half by vehicle, and my father and uncle met us there in my fathers truck. My mother had to work and could not get a relief to come to see me, which when I found out about it later I wanted to choke her boss for it, but I called her boss and gave her a piece of my mind and told her exactly what I thought of her ill-minded decision. I had surgery and it took 3 and a half hours. My father and uncle stayed the whole night and saw me at noon the next day before they went back to my hometown. I stayed in hospital for one week and they released me a week to the day of the accident to go home. Turns out I was released on a Thursday and that Sunday I was admitted back into the hospital where I lived for another week as I was not stablized on food because I still had bile in my stomach from my perforated bowel. They got me stablized on food by the following Thursday and I went home. I had lost 12lbs in 6 days and looked like a toothpick. But everything worked out fine and I am alive to tell about it.

On to a more happier note, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!

I met my husband in October of 1991.

On January 15th, 1992 He and I started going steady. We were going out together for 9 months and he got sent overseas to Cambodia for a peacekeeping mission for 6 months (which turned into 7 months). But before he left for his mission he took me to Niagara Falls for the first time, it was just beautiful there. He left October 1992 to go on his duty. This was the first time I had gone through any type of separation like this and it was difficult. Going from seeing one another everyday and talking on the phone everyday to almost no contact whatsoever. He would write to me all the time and visa versa and call me when he could, but it just wasn't the same and it was very hard for me. Being only 18 years old and starting a serious relationship, this was the toughest thing I had ever encountered in my life.

He came home in March and proposed marriage to me on my 19th birthday and of course I said "YES". He then went back overseas until May of 1993. When he came back we had a break up of about a week or so and I couldn't stand to be away from him any longer. We reunited & moved in together June 9th, 1995 and got married on June 17th, 1995. It was the happiest day of my life. We went camping for our honeymoon as well as to Wonderland. I had never been to Wonderland and it was amazing.

We lived in a one bedroom apartment for almost two years and then were informed we were going to move to another province. At the time of setting everything up for our big move he was sent to Winnipeg, Manitoba to help out with the Red River Flood of 1997. While he was gone I was left to organize our HHT (House Hunting Trip) all by myself, arrange for our flight, a motel and a rental car while we were looking for a place to live in the new province we were moving to. He came home just days before our flight left for our house hunting trip. We stayed in a really nice motel for a week. We took that whole week to look for a house. We found a nice house just 45 minutes from the base he would be working at once we got there. We bought a house in a small town of less than 2000 people. Nice yard, two bedrooms, a house, not a little one bedroom apartment which we were used to but a house we could call our own. We flew back to my hometown and got ready for the packers to come and pack up our stuff and then visited family before we took our journey. That was tough, saying goodbye to your family and friends that you grew up with and lived just a hop, skip and a jump away from. I had a hard time saying goodbye to my two best friends. And then there was my mom and dad and my brother. My brother and I were never really close but since we knew I was leaving we were all very emotional.

One of my friends at the time had a going away party for us the night before we left and there were alot of tears shed and a little bit of nervousness in the air that night. The next day, the movers were there bright and early and started loading all of our belongings into the moving truck and some friends started to pop over to say their goodbyes. My father, his girlfriend, best friend Shelley and another friend and her daughter were there to say goodbye. My mom and brother, had to work. We drove away and it was like we were taking a trip for awhile but really it was for a few years. It felt good on one hand and on the other hand it was kinda scarey. It was a big move for us but an exciting one.

Since we have moved, it has been great. We have met so many people and a few friends that we have really gotten to know and enjoy spending time with, for instance, Deni, Val and their 3 children(Caitlin, Jasmine & Rhett), Shannon, Roger and their girls(Julia & Lorraine), Joni and Jason our neighbours who are expecting their first child in the new year. I am happy here and so is my husband, new life and surroundings for the two of us but we will be happy to move back to Ontario to live someday soon. I miss my friends back home, but as they saying goes, "Life goes on". I will be writing more in the weeks to come so please visit often and let us know what you think by signing our guestbook.