Dedication To Our Friends Of The World!!
This page we decided to put up to show our friends that we care. We have seen alot of homepages with pictures on them and we have wanted pics on ours too, just never had any to put up. Well we now have a few and hope to have more soon. Enjoy, and who knows maybe one day you will see your own face up here. :) Have Fun!!!

John & Chris *S*(Excellent Military Friends!)

This is Baby Caleb, Our nephew :) (John & Chris's first addition to their family)

This is Rob, another military friend.

Vicki!! *S* Best Friend in the US of A!!

This is my MOM and her sweetheart Reg. Aren't they a cute couple?? I think so!

ChildHood Buddy, Dereck! Great Guy and Hilarious!!

Well Folks that's all the pics we have at this time, so please check back soon as there will be alot more I'm sure.