A lady by the name of Diane has the most exciting story that I think people should know about. If you have ever had a dream, do not give up on them for anything, believe me I know.
Her dream was to find her biological family and find out about her medical history, etc. She started looking for them in 1992 and almost gave up until early 1996. She registered with the adoption agency and waited a long time for any response. All they told her was that if her biological family didn't register with the agency, they couldn't help her until that time. All she was really wanted to know was if there was anything in her medical history that her or her children should know about. Her daughter was the one who encouraged her to continue the search and not give up, but it got to the point where her and her daughter had both started to give up on believing if they'd ever find the "other family" someday. It turned out that there were no illnesses reported which gave them a big sigh of relief. One day in June 1996, Diane recieved a phone call from Family and Children's Services telling her that she had a half brother that had been looking for her for a year and a half prior to this date. It literally blew her away, now knowing that she wasn't the only person trying to contact her biological family. It didn't take her very long to decide whether or not she wanted to meet him or not. You see, she was adopted by a very loving couple and raised by a family she loved dearly and would never change that for the world, nevertheless, the curiousity had always been there about her biological parents who gave her up for adoption. She had a wonderful childhood and a family that were there for her whenever she needed them. Many good memories and some bad, but for the most part they were good. Many questions arose when she found out about her half brother, but she had to play the waiting game again for a little while longer. She was very anxious to talk to her half brother (who told her later that he was her true biological brother) but they both had to undergo an hour and a half of councelling and a signed consent from both of them before they could even talk on the phone. The councelling was done to prepare them for the unexpected, and what to expect if the reunion took place and if it all worked out all right or not. Her brother's name is Dan Brown. He lives in Florida, USA. He is 1 year older than she is and has two children, Carly and Tim. The night Dan was to phone her for the very first time she said was like waiting for Santa Claus to arrive, sitting on the edge of her seat, quite shaky and not knowing what to expect. When he did call her, they talked for a little more than two hours on the telephone and didn't know exactly what to say to one another. It seemed weird because it felt like they had known each other forever. She is sure that anyone who is adopted is always curious about their backgrounds, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. Dan told her that he had found out through their mother that he had a sister when he turned 28 years old and that sister was her. Their mother married when she was 14 years old to a man to whom she is still married to today. He had informed their mother that he had found his sister and had contacted her and they were surprised to hear that she too wanted to meet her, her daughter and her son. If Diane could only explain how it felt to know that her biological mother wanted to meet her. She felt overjoyed, scared, yet excited also, if that was possible. Diane's biological mother and daughter kept it a secret from Diane that her mother was coming to meet her for the first time and her daughter gave her two days notice of the event. Diane and her daughter were together for the reunion, as it meant as much to her daughter meeting her grandmother for the first time if not more than Diane meeting her own mother for the first time. Her son was uncomfortable with the situation at first but is fine with it now. The first visit went very smoothly and the second wasn't as tough as the first. In October she got another big surprise, her brother, Dan, came all the way from Florida to meet them. That was also scarey for them yet overwhelming not only for them but for Dan as well. For the four months of knowing and waiting for his arrival, the tension and excitement really built up, and fast. After the reunion with her brother there was relief and joy. Both visits with her mother and brother were definately something she will never forget and she will never trade those feelings for the world. They hoped to spend the summer of 1997 together more but as it happened Diane went to visit her mother in Hamilton, Ontario for Thanksgiving by herself. She drove there and walked in the door gave her mom a hug and started telling her mom about the trip down to visit her, saying that her shoulders were tired and sore, to her surprise someone came up behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. It was her brother, Dan. She was startled and happy at the same time. It was the first time that her mother had her two children home. They had a great holiday together and many more to come, I'm sure. So for the adoptees out there, she has but one message for you all, "NEVER GIVE UP!" "Look where it got me after 51 years of wondering and 4 years of looking, all my prayers have been answered."
This story is about my mom, me, my brother, my uncle and my grandmother. It has changed our lives in a possitive way.

If Interested You CanDiane