Title Photo Album

Girl with a photo album Looking at hundreds of pictures in boxes and in envelopes can quickly become tiresome and boring instead of an enjoyment. Why not put them in personalised albums that you create yourself. Packages can be purchased that have many themes that you can choose from, or you can do as I do, and use a program that came with my printer. I create fancy boxes in the theme that I find appropriate, and print on paper that is also co-ordinated by color and texture. This way you can cut out any unsightly background items such as soda cans on distant tables, etc.. There are many new scissors on the market, sold very cheaply for only a few dollars that allow you to crop your pictures with either a deckle edge, a wave edge, zigzag edge and many others. Put in only your best pictures, and not many that all look the same. I assure you, you will find that your pictures will never have looked better. You will have space on your page to write little notes about the photographs. Use colors appropriate for your theme. If you are inserting children's photos, most of the time you will want to use bright and happy colors. For more formal pictures, such as wedding albums, very light, creamy and textured papers look best with writing done in browns and blacks. This writing can be emphasized and made more beautiful with little extra touches with a gold or silver pen.


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