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Articles on Conventional (ie. Transnational Capitalist) Medicine:
Capital Taking Over All Health Care
 graphic from UAW Solidarity
Would You Buy a Used Car from This FDA?? -- a critical history of the FDA
HMO's and Doctors: the Accountants Take Over Medicine

(The links below from Labor Party Press were not up when this page was edited,
but try them.  They should work by the time this page is up.)
The Bottom Line On For-profit Systems: Interview With AFSCME's Gemma Zeigler -- from LP Press
U.S. Healthcare Corporations vs. The World: Global Reach or Global Leech? -- from LP Press
The crisis in Medicare is not its purported impending bankruptcy -- from The Nation

The Worst Of Bad Medicine -- from UAW Solidarity

Medicine WARS - UAW Puts the Squeeze on Columbia/HCA -- from UAW Solidarity
The Controlled Clinical Trial: An Analysis --review of Harris Coulter's important book

We received the following excellent sources (with his remarks) from a kind visitor to our site.
Check them out.  And thanks, Dave!
Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America - By Eustace Mullins -
Review of the book of the same name, which explores the various lucrative
and dangerous arms of the Rockefeller Syndicate that are responsible for
America's steadily deteriorating health.
Lots of names named and interlinks between  corporations and government.
Book review:
.The Medical Mafia: How to Get Out of it Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth
- By Dr Guylaine Lanctôt -
Review of the book of the same name, in which the author charges that the health system
is run by an alliance of powerful vested interests that operate as a veritable mafia ......
book review:
Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry - By Dr John Braithwaite -
Review of the book of the same name,
which shows how pharmaceutical multinationals defy the intent of laws regulating safety of drugs
by bribery, false advertising, fraud in the safety testing of drugs,
unsafe manufacturing processes, smuggling and international law evasion strategies.
Book review:
And one last very deep resource from Dave:
Anyone who is interested in learning about the abuses of Modern "medicine" will find some interesting stuff at:
of particular interest to everyone should be information about vaccinations.....
You will also find lots of stuff about aspartame, floridations, and much more.

And More to come . . .