"Be a queen. Dare to be different. Be a pioneer. Be a leader. Be the kind of woman who in the face of adversity will continue to embrace life and walk fearlessly toward the challenge.Take it on! Be a truth seeker and rule your domain, whatever it is...your home, your office, your family with, a loving heart. Be a queen. Be tender. Continue to give birth to new ideas and rejoice in your womanhood...
My prayer is that we stop wasting time being mundane and mediocre...we are daughters of God...here to teach the world how to love... It does not matterwhat you have been through, where you come from, who your parents are, nor your social or economic status. None of that matters. What matters is how you choose to love, how you choose to express that love through your work, through your family, through what you have to give the world... Be a queen. Own your power and your glory!"

-Oprah Winfrey-

Please Pray for my sister, Joanne. She has a brain aneurysm near the brain stem in the circle of willis.

Please Pray for Ernie who is having blood trouble and platlets are low but he needs surgery. Pray that our Lord will direct the doctors to the cause of his problem.

Please Pray for Brandon who will leave on Monday, June 28th for the Army. Pray our Lord will protect him as well as all of our service men and women and that this war will end soon with no more lives taken.

Staci requests.."My husband and i are having problems in our marriage. The closer we get to the Lord, the harder Satan works on us. Plaese pray for our family to stay united.And for Satan to leave us alone. Amen." Please keep Staci and her Husband in your Prayers that our Lord Jesus Christ will give her His love and peace so abundently that she without certainly will feel each each day.

Jan Writes.."pray in thanksgiving for my husband not being injured in car accident yesterday. praise God"

Jennifer sends the following Prayer request...I am a 31 year-old single woman. I have spent a great deal of my life alone, but have a lot of love in my heart to share. Please pray that God will bring a special man into my life that I can share the rest of my journey on Earth with. Thanks so much.

Fran writes.."I read each and every prayer request and my heart and prayers go out to each of our Lord's children. May he heal them and hear their pleas to our Lord for help and mercy. I need your prayers for my sweet daughter in law, Denise, who has a brain tumor. The Lord heard our prayers in 1992 when she had her first brain tumor now in 1998 another has grown back again. Her husband and three children need your prayers also with not knowing what tomorrow might bring.Our faith is strong and knowing that.. Thy Will Be done! God Bless All OF YOU..Amen" Please Pray that God will continue to shine his love down onto this family and that they feel His Love and compassion.

Sandy writes.."i have addisons disease and hypothyroid.my immune system started attacing itself.pray that it won't go anywhere else" Please Pray that she will feel the love and Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Y.R. sends "I have been diagnosed with Heart Failure,please pray for me that my heart will strengthen,and pray for my grandmother that she will live many more years."

Ginny ask.."Please say a special prayer for my neighbor Al who passed away a year ago today. I miss him dearly. I know he is in a special place." Pray that God's Love will surround Ginny with his Peace and Contentment.

I received the following Pray request but the person didn't want to be recognized. "I ask that you will please pray for my mom and my dad. That they will soon work out their differences and try to get along. It would mean a lot to me, my brother, and my sister." Please Pray for this family that they all feel the Unrestricted Love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Gina request. "Please pray for a friend of the family. 17 year old Adrianne Reiger was injured while playing football in September 1997. He is still in a coma and needs many prayers. Thank you." Please Pray That Adrianne, his family and friends feel the love of our Lord Jesus.

Michael writes.."Remember Me and my Family in Prayer's . And to come up with a testiomy of mine . I hadn't had a seizer in over 10 years and i know that God Had his Hand up on me and I think him for all that he has done for me . We'll Praise the Lord God Is a Good God and he is a Great God . and he know's what we need of before we ask of it . Know 's the Numbers on our head . If you believe and have faith and he is going to do something he is and he won't give up on him he wont' give up on us .I could go on about the healing's that the Lord has done through faith like the blind man Jesus made mud and put it on his eye's and he told the blind man to go to the pod and wash out the mud out of his eye's and when he did that he begin to see that he had that much faith in Jesus and the lord that he would do it . I could go on and on about the Lord and so, on. Have a great night or day. And my the Good Lord Bless Everyone of You. well gotta go. catch you later. bfn:bye-for-now"

Amy writes.."I am so afraid of death. I grew up in church, but being a 19 year old, I don't give God the attention he deserves. Every day I think I have something else wrong with me, and eventually it winds up being nothing. I desperately need peace of mind and to be able to fall asleep at night without staying up thinking about what could happen to me. I know God works wonders, I just feel like I ask too much of him and give nothing in return." Please Pray that Amy feels the love of God surrounding her each and every day and that all worries of His love be taken from her.


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