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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

Author's Text

Stages of Recovery would be the sequel to Storm Front, as the story proceeds from the end point of that story. This story deals more with the emotional side of things. These characters are not mine and no money is made by me for the use of them in this story.


"Stages of Recovery"
Opening Act

Scene opens in Chicago, exterior, somewhere in Grant Park near a pond. Pan slowly from the top down a sloping hillside toward the pond. Show ducks swimming out on the water and in the background we hear their' 'quacking' sounds. Pull slowly around the pond and shoot up from the bottom to show Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway sitting on the bank. They are tossing popcorn kernels out for the ducks and watching them gobble them up. Pan closer and we hear Carol laughing. They are in street clothes, but, heading for the hospital. Pull close on Doug as he looks at the ground in thought.

Doug (softly):
Nina told me you started your sessions with her.

Carol (still tossing popcorn, doesn't look at Doug...big smile at the ducks):
Yeah, that's right! (turns to smile at him) I started them about a week ago.

Doug (looks at her, gives her a weak grin):
You know, you really don't have to do that. I'm gonna be OK...you've been through enough with shrinks on your own...

Carol (cuts him off quickly):
Hey! We're in this together...remember? (touches his arm) What happens to one of us, happens to both of us...remember? We talked about this!

Doug (shrugs):
I know...I was just thinking about you...I mean, this won't druge up bad memories for you or anything, will it?

Carol (shakes her head with a soft smile):
No. And even if it does, you'll be there for me, won't you?

Doug (nods quickly):
Absolutely! (Looks casually away, out over the pond) I was just giving you the chance...

Carol (touches his arm):
The chance to what? The chance to run? I'm not running anymore, Doug. (turns his face to look at her) And neither are you.

She leans in to kiss him sweetly...he meets her halfway with the kiss and locks his hands around the sides of her head to hold the moment.

Cut scene.

Open next scene back at the hospital...interior...somewhere in the ER. Mark Greene is playing a computer game surrounded by Chuny, Haleh, and Jerry who are watching and cheering him on. Cut to show Nina Pomerantz coming up to the counter quickly. She snaps a file down on the desk and gives Mark a "look" until he realizes she is staring at him and looks up at her.

Mark (innocently):
What? (Nina doesn't answer...just motions to the file with her eyes and then to the clock on the wall. Mark turns to see the clock and slams his hand to his forehead in anguish) Our breakfast conference! I clean forgot! Is it too late now? Or do I need another raincheck?

Nina (smiles):
I've got time if you do!

Mark (nods to the computer):
Jerry, take over for me, OK?

Jerry (smiles wide...edges over to the computer):
Sure thing, Dr. Greene!

Haleh (bumps Jerry out of the way quickly):
Out the way, Boy! I'll show you how to play this game!

Jerry (protesting):
But, Dr. Greene told me to do it...

His cries fall on deaf ears and Haleh begins to bang away at the keyboard. Show Mark and Nina walking for the elevator and laughing.

Cut scene.

Open next scene back at the water front. Doug and Carol are walking now. Doug is tossing kernels of corn out onto the water as they go.

Carol (quietly, looks up at him):
How are you getting along with Nina, anyway?

Doug (shrugs...tosses more corn):
OK, I guess. She's OK.

I wasn't asking about her. I was asking about you.

Doug (stops walking, turns to look at her):
I'm OK.

Well, you know, I've been thinking, you spend a lot of time at my place now. I mean, you're there until way late and you usually get there in time for breakfast in the mornings...are you having problems staying alone at your apartment?

Doug (smiles an impish smile at her):
Nope! Just having trouble staying away from you!

Carol (grins a sarcastic grin):
Well, then, maybe it's time you got this? (she hands him a small black box, very similar to the one her ring came in)

Doug (takes box):
What's this? (opens the box and finds a key on a chain) Well, what do you know! It's a key! (Eyes Carol teasingly) Is this the key to your heart?

Carol (grins...she is excited for the moment):
Almost! It's the key to my front door...

Doug (takes the key out of the box):
Is this an open invitation?

Carol (nods):
Anytime...or completely...whichever way you want it.

Doug (slips the key around his neck...gives her a taken aback look):
Completely? Are you saying what I think you're saying?

Carol (stops walking, turns to look him in the eye):
That I'm asking you to move in with me? What would you think about that? Would I be too forward?

Doug (smiles wide):
Well, I surely HOPE so...

He laughs and throws his arm around her shoulders quickly and they start walking again...she leans over to cling to his jacket as they walk...both are laughing...in love...and happy...

Cut scene.

Open next scene back at the hospital. Show Nina and Mark at breakfast together in the cafeteria. They both have case files on the table with them and are conversing quietly together. Pull close and focus on Mark. He is nodding his head with a concerned look on his face.

So, that's your prognosis? And you think this is going to happen soon?

Nina (nods solemnly):
He's very close to the wall, Mark. The dam is about to break. (makes a small measurement with her thumb and her forefinger) I am this close to breaking Doug Ross wide open...

Focus on Mark as he nods again, very concerned look on his face.

Fade into the opening credits of the show.

Act One