
Stardate 48201.5

The science vessel USS Equinox, which had been assigned to chart the Badlands, as well as attempt to locate any Maquis Installations, disappears mysteriously without a trace in the Badlands.

Stardate 48315.6

USS Voyager is dispatched to the Badlands in the Demilitarized Zone to track down a Maquis vessel commanded by former Starfleet officer, Chakotay.  A Starfleet operative on board the Maquis vessel, Lieutenant Tuvok, had failed to check in with Starfleet Command, thus raising suspicions. 

Captain Kathryn Janeway was then ordered to take Voyager into the Badlands to find the missing ship, with the help of a former Maquis and Starfleet officer, Thomas paris.

Voyager departed from Deep Space Nine early that day on stardate 48315.6, and failed to communicate with Starfleet Command after several hours.  DS9 was notified, and several Runabouts were dispatched to investigate.

Stardate 48642.5

The search for Voyager and the Equinox in the Badlands continues.  Starfleet assigns the newly commissioned USS Fundy, a Sovereign class vessel, to coordinate the search effort.  Several small science vessels are assigned to the detail as well.  No debris or any organic remains are found.

Stardate 48921.3

The search for the Equinox concludes.  The ship and crew are presumed and declared destroyed.  The search for the USS Voyager continues, with little hope of finding the second missing ship.

Stardate 48950.2

The search for Voyager is called off.

All the families of the crewmembers of Voyager are notified that the search has been called off, causing much uproar among the families of some members of the crew.  Mr. and Mrs. Kim, parents of Ensign Harry Kim, then take matters into their own hands, and enlist a Yridian freighter to take them to the Badlands so they can conduct their own search.  After searching for several weeks and finding nothing, the Kim's search concludes as well.

Stardate 49011.1

A memorial service is held to commerate the lost officers on board the USS Voyager at Starfleet Headquarters in San Francisco.  Such prominent Starfleet captains as Picard and Chevon are in attendance.  Several other small memorial services are also held throughout Earth.

Stardate 49222

A monument just outside San Francisco is eructed to honour the lives lost on the USS Voyager.  Many of the families are in attendance to place flowers at the monument.

Stardate 50074.3

A Ferengi shuttle containing two men appears near Barzan II.  The two men had disappeared on stardate 43385.6 during negotiations to purchase the Barzan wormhole, which was thought to be stable.  When studying the wormhole to verify that it was stable, the two Ferengi men became trapped in the Delta Quadrant. 

The two men claim to have encountered a Starfleet vessel in the Delta Quadrant, however, the men wanted latinum for the name of the vessel.  Starfleet declined their offer, assuming there was no validity to their story.

Stardate 51490.2

The experimental vessel Prometheus is overtaken by Romulans.  During the course of events which ensued, the Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) of the USS Voyager was transferred to the Prometheus via a series of ancient communication arrays.  The EMH1 and EMH2 managed to retake the vessel.  Before returning to the Delta Quadrant, Voyager's EMH briefed Starfleet Command on Voyager's situation.  According to the EMH, Voyager was pulled to the Delta Quadrant by a being known as the Caretaker who was searching the galaxy for a suitable mate.  In order to save a vulnerable species from an agressive one, Captain Janeway destroyed the Array which brought them to the Delta Quadrant.  As well, the EMH notified Starfleet that the Maquis officers serving on Chakotay's vessel had joined the crew, with Chakotay as first officer and B'Elanna Torres as Chief Engineer to name a few.  The EMH also mentioned several aliens which had joined the crew, including a cook named Neelix.

Word of Voyager's presence in the Delta Quadrant spread quickly throughout the Federation, leading to several celebrations.  One such public celebration was held by the Federation Council just outside their offices in paris, France.  Thousands were present for a spectacular plasma show which was held at the base of the Eiffel Tower.

Stardate 51501.4

Dozens of letters from families and friends are sent to Voyager using the same communications network used to send Voyager's EMH to the USS Prometheus.  Included among the many transmissions was a message from Admiral Hayes, who regretably had to inform Voyager that they had not been able to devise a way to bring Voyager home, but they had included all their knowledge on the Delta Quadrant in order to shave off some travel time for the crew.

A day later, without explanation, the communications network collapsed and shut-down, and once again Starfleet was cut off from Voyager.

Stardate 51520.1

The Pathfinder project begins, with the intent of finding a method to communicate again with Voyager, as well as to find a method to bring Voyager home.

Stardate 53320.2

Nearly two years after the beginning of the Pathfinder Project, Lieutenant Reginald Barclay uses the MIDAS Array to create an artificial wormhole to allow two way communication between Voyager and Starfleet Command.  He is successful, and for several minutes he is able to communicate with Voyager.  During this time, Voyager transmitted all of their crew logs, mission logs, and stellar cartography maps of the Delta Quadrant.  Starfleet also managed to transmit data concerning hypersubspace communication, which could be used to maintain contact with Voyager.

Once again, there is global celebration, particularly in San Francisco, for the communication with the stranded Starfleet Vessel.  An awe-inspiring plasma show is held in downtown San Francisco, sponsored by the Heritage Section.

Following this break-through, Admiral Owen paris approves the formation of Project: Voyager, and assigns Lieutenant Barclay to head the research crew.  So begins Project:  Voyager!