
Welcome to the Project Staff Biography page!  Here, you will meet the officers trying to bring the USS Voyager home.  Starfleet has chosen it's brightest and best to run the project, under the control of Lieutenant Reginald Barclay, who worked previously on the Pathfinder Project.  The entire project itself is directed by Admiral Owen paris.

Simply click on the officers name below to bring up their biography file from the L-CARS Database.

 Lieutenant Reginald Barclay

 Lieutenant Alicia Cooper

 Lieutenant Franklin Harris

 Ensign Richard Garin


Lieutenant Reginald Barclay

Lieutenant Barclay has spend most of his Starfleet career as a systems diagnostic engineer, serving on such notable ships as the USS Zhukov and the USS Enterprise D & E.  He was offered a position at Starfleet Command, Communications Division, after serving on the Enterprise E for less than a year.  He accepted the position, where he was a project member for the Pathfinder Project, a project designed to locate and communicate with the USS Voyager, which is stranded in the Delta Quadrant.  After several ideas failed to communicate with Voyager, Barclay used the MIDAS array and a pulsar to create a wormhole to the Delta Quadrant, and thus allowing for two way communication between Voyager and Starfleet.  He was successful in his attempt, although he did go against orders to do so.  He was not punished, although a note was placed in his permanent file.  Following this successful attempt at communicating with Voyager, Admiral Owen paris assigned Lieutenant Barclay to head the new Project:  Voyager, with the goal of establishing permanent communication with Voyager, as well as finding a way for the stranded vessel and crew to return home.

Barclay is credited as being a very talented engineer, but tends to become timid and awkward when in social situations.  This timidness led to a Holodeck Addiction that Barclay suffered from prior to 43807.4, where he created a lavish Holodeck fantasy world where members of the Enterprise served as characters in his controlled world.  Barclay has also been diagnosed with Transport Psychosis, from which he has also been able to recover.

Barclay has also received many commendations throughout his Starfleet carrer. Both Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander Geordie LaForge commended Barclay for saving the USS Enterprise on stardate 43807.4, when he realized what was causing a fatal problem with the injectors on the Enterprise, a problem which meant certain destruction for the Federation Flagship.  On stardate 46091.1, Lieutenant Barclay overcame his fear of transporters to save the lives of four officers that served on board the USS yosemite.

On stardate 47653.2, a rare diease which afflicted the crew of the Enterprise D, was named by Dr. Beverly Crusher in honour of Lieutenant Barclay:  Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome.  The disease caused the Enterprise crew to 'de-evolve' into lesser species.

Lieutenant Alicia Cooper

Lieutenant Cooper was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  Following her graduation from secondary school, she immediately applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy in San Francisco.

Lieutenant Alicia Cooper has had an active Starfleet career.  Upon graduating from the Academy in 2360, she began serving on board the USS Al Batani under command by Captain Owen paris in Engineering.  During the Cardassian-Federation War, she and another officer, Kathryn Janeway, crawled through the thick brush to save the life of one Cardassian.  For their heroic actions, each received a medal of valour.

Following her assignment on the Al Batani, Cooper received a promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade in 2365.  She then had brief assignments on board the Enterprise-D as a mechanical engineer in 2366, and as well the USS Lexington as Assistant Chief Engineer.  Following her assignment on board the Lexington, she transferred to Starfleet Command and worked in the Starship Development Division for several years.  She was promoted to Lieutenant Senior Grade in 2369.

When the Project:  Voyager began, Admiral paris specifically requested Lieutenant Cooper to join the team, due to her Engineering expertise, but as well due to her strong determination and familiarity with the Hyper-Subspace Communication Technology. 

Lieutenant Franklin Harris

Lieutenant Harris was born on the lunar colony on Earth's Moon, and moved to Saturn colony while still a child.  Both his parents were teachers, and when transferred to Earth, Harris decided to apply to the Academy.  He was accepted immediately, and then proceeded to graduate with high honours at the top of his class in 2364.

Following graduation, Lieutenant Harris began work at Starfleet Command Communications Division as a Field Technician.  He had many projects including working on deep space communication beacons, as well as devising new more efficient means of communication, which traveled faster than warp.

In 2371, Lieutenant Harris was offered the position as Operations Officer on board the USS Voyager.  However, he was unable to accept after being offered a position to work at the Daystrom Institute.  He received his promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade in 2370. 

In 2376, Lieutenant Harris requested to work on Project:  Voyager, feeling a connection to the vessel after turning down a position on the vessel.  As well, Harris was quite familiar with the Hyper-subspace communication, and felt he could bring his knowledge to the project.  Admiral paris accepted his request, and he joined the Project:  Voyager team in 2376.

Ensign Richard Garin

Ensign Richard Garin, born in San Francisco, recently graduated from the Academy in 2372, at the top of his class.  He then began serving on board the USS Intrepid as the Operations officer. 

Garin received special recognition in 2374 when he managed to devise an ingeneous method to transmit hundreds of letters from Starfleet to the USS Voyager.  They had been previously unsuccesful as the messages began to degrade in the communications network following transmission.  Mr. Garin was able to boost the message signal and still maintain the messages integrity.

In 2376, following his term assignment on the USS Intrepid, Garin joined the Project:  Voyager team after being selected from dozens of candidates by Admiral Owen paris.  Admiral paris believed that his Operations and knowledge of Communications would allow him to work with Harris to devise a way to implement the Hyper-Subspace Communication to communicate with Voyager.

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