Kevin Stapleton/Kevin Buchanan Letters

King of the Kevins
Soap Opera Magazine, June 24, 1997

"I have seen many Kevin Buchanans come and go in the years I've watched OLTL, and although they were all very good, no one could hold a candle to the current Kevin, Kevin Stapleton. His portrayal makes this character exactly what he needs to be: charming, witty and wonderful! His handsome face and pretty eyes have been such a comfort to me in the months since the departures of my other Llanview heroes: Dylan, Cord and Joey. I hope the year Stapleton has spent at OLTL is the first of many more to come."
C.B., Dallas, Texas

Letters Printed in Soap Opera Digest

Love it - Hate it

"A" For adultery

Kevin [Kevin Stapleton] and Cassie [Laura Koffman] are excellent partners, second only to Lois and Clark. OLTL found a gem in Stapleton; he is sexy, funny and cute as a button. The daughter of the vivacious Dorian shouldn't sell herself short, resigned to a boring life as a minister's wife. She deserves passion, excitement and love; seh deserves Kevin. Also, imagine what a Kevin/Cassie paring would do to Dorian and Viki! The Buchanan son and the Cramer daughter? What would they do for Christmas? N.N., Via Digest Online on AOL

I can't wait until this dynamic duo gets together! Cassie and Kevin are the hottest couple on daytime and their chemisty is amazing. It's great shen Cassie gets jealous. Get them together fast! There are many Kevin and Cassie fans who are so excited. R.S., Via Digest Online on AOL

Cassie and Kevin were steaming up my television during the recent Rio scenes. I especially love Kevin, he brings out the best in Cassie. I also like that they didn't just jump into bed together; they're actually thinking about the people they might hurt. More importantly, Cassie and Kevin can't deny what they feel for each other. They're destined to be together, and I can't wait to see them finally give in to their passion.
R.J., Provo, UT

I think Cassie and Kevin deserve to be happy. Who cares about morals? These two are sizzling hot for each other, and Cassie is bored to death with Andrew, the minister. This is the best potential daytime couple I have seen in quite a long time. Kevin and Cassie are made for each other. K.A., Via Digest Online on AOL

Keep the Faith

I realize adultery is a staple storyline for soap operas, but I am disappointed that the writers are encouraging the relationship between Cassie and Kevin. It's bad enough for Cassie to desert her minister husband and son; to have her in an adulterous relationship that is portrayed as fun and sexy is irresponsible and insulting. A character making the choice to take the higher ground is not necessarily boring. Name withheld, Via Digest Online on AOL

I can't believe what OLTL is doing to Cassie and Andrew's relationship. They were so in love, and now cocky, overbearing Kevin is coming between them. That nosy reporter should mind his own business and leave Cassie alone. Just because a couple is married doesn't mean they're no longer interesting. Look at Nora and Bo - they don't cheat on each other, and everyone still enjoys watching them! B.R., San Francisco, CA

I want Andrew to dump Cassie as quickly as he can; he deserves better. Cassie talks about Andrew (and the church) so negatively, and I can't stand it. Let Andrew come to a realization about his marriage, and move on from there. Cassie doesn't seem to care about Andrew anymore; if she wants Kevin so much, let her have him. Maybe in the process, the writers can come up with a new storyline for Andrew, too.
E.B., Via Digest Online on AOL

Cassie has no right to destroy her family for Kevin. She needs to learn that love is about more than the thrill and excitement of first kisses. It's about sharing a life together, and being there for one another during the ups and downs. Let playboy Kevin fight it out with Antonio for Tea or reunite him with Andy, but please leave Cassie and Andrew's marriage alone. Forget what happened in Rio, Cassie has a loving husband and a beautiful son at home. G.N., Miami, FL

Personal Best
July 16, 1996 issue; page 141

"Wow! What a great new Kevin for One Life To Live! Kevin Stapleton brings just the right mix of sensitivity, conceit, intelligence, humor and charm to make Kevin a fanscinating, multidemensional character. Watching this lovable egomaniac, you don't know whether to hug him or smack him. Overnight, this character has become one of the most interesting on the show."
-T.M., Houston, TX

July 2, 1996 issue; page 104

OLTL had a difficult task recasting Kevin, but readers unanimously agree that Kevin Stapleton's performance as Viki's eldest son is right on the mark.

"The search is finally over: Kevin Buchanan is home at last! I get such a kick out of Kevin Stapleton's quirky portrayal, especially when he's sticking it to Carlo or goading Antonio. Please, OLTL, hold on to him tight!"

Letters from Soap Opera Magazine

Romance in Rio

I have to congratulate OLTL. The Rio adventure was a complete success. This little Brazilian excursion reminded me of the OLTL of old times. From the moment Cassie and Kevin discovered each other on the plane, to Cassie admittng she had serious feelings for Kevin, to Kevin trying to convince Cassie they coulc be together, this couple generated more heat than Rio de Janeiro's climate itself. -- K.C. Framinghan, Mass

Will the Real Kevin Please Stand Up

OLTL has strick gold with the new Kevin Buchanan-and it's about time!

Kevin Stapleton plays him with a perfect combination of cockiness, shrewd intelligence, playfulness and a mischievous sense of humor. His presence lights up every scene he is in, particulary those with Laura Kpffman (Cassie). These two share an irrestible chemistry and are so adorable together. OLTL seems to be slowly moving towards a Kevin/Cassie/Andrew triangle-and I can hardly wait.
-D.M., Cleveland, Ohio

If you have found a letter in any soap opera magazine, please e-mail it to me and I will add it to this page. Please include the magazine name in the letter. Thanks!

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