Welcome to my Guestbook!

Gidget - 11/26/00 19:46:26
My URL:http://skyboom.com/gidgets/PWstartpage1.html
My Email:[email protected]

What a wonderful place to visit. I didn't get a chance to see everything but I bookmarked you so I could come back.

Rev. Michael Sheppard - 11/22/00 10:30:44
My URL:/homestead/revmds/
My Email:[email protected]

Hi Jean, Thought I'd drop by to spend time in your wonderfully uplifting site. Truly, a lovely place to be. With Love and Blessings.......Michael

RHODORA - 11/01/00 04:42:18
My URL:http://dreamwater.com/angelsinside
My Email:[email protected]


Hi, just dropped by to "boo" you today!

Ruthi - 10/20/00 19:22:58
My URL:http://abitosunshine.homestead.com/abitosunshine.html
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Columbus
Crafts you like: Ohio
Do you have a prayer request ?: yes
If so leave enter it: for my son, William, may he find God's love and peace as he searches for his place in the world. Also a prayer of thanks to God for letting my nephew Nathan live.

Thanks for visiting my site so that I was led to yours. I enjoyed reading and learning about the rosary best of all. Thanks for the prayer request category, too, I like that. I'll be back!

Ann - 10/20/00 18:35:29
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: A room for just prayer request
Where are you from?: LA.
Crafts you like: Name it I do it
Do you have a prayer request ?: Please pray for my children and grandchildren

Loved your site. All it needs is a special message board for prayer request .

Rev. Michael - 10/18/00 12:06:44
My URL:/homestead/revmds/
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: His Love shining throughout the world
Where are you from?: England
Do you have a prayer request ?: Yes
If so leave enter it: I pray for the Love of Jesus to be with all those in need, regardless of colour or creed.

Thank you Jean for a wonderful refuge in todays society wher one can come to bathe in the Light of Our Lords Love. God Bless You for your kindness and for the work you are doing in the Lord's name. With Love and Blessings...Rev. Michael May your Light never fade and may you continue to go forth as a Beacon of God's Love.

Rhodora - 08/03/00 10:22:20
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Philippines

Hi, thanks for writing in my guestbook. Glad you liked my site. Come back more often and take the angel pictures as much as you like. God bless you Jean......

- 04/24/00 06:25:09


Marilyn Burgess - 04/24/00 06:09:16
My URL:http://homestead.juno.com/cmburg/
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: Pictures of you and yours
Where are you from?: Hagerstown, In. 47346-9635
Crafts you like: crochet, knitting, and making lighted signs to go out front of our house, which Glorify God.
Do you have a prayer request ?: yes
If so leave enter it: Henry Davis: Critical heart problem. 9 blockages, no surgery option. Will have his heart stopped and studied Mon.17th, and Tues. they will try to put a defibrulator in his chest. He needs prayer to call on God, and he needs a iracle. Transplant is the only thing the doctors say will help. Thank you for your prayers. Also remember Roger Bingham, a young man who had to have an esophagus operation after something went wrong after a simple out patient operation. He is in critical condition. His surgery went okay, but he will be in the hospital for 10 to 14 days more. God bless

Great web site. I have been fighting abortion from the beginning. I wasn't even a Christian then. I became a Christian Oct. 1976.I had two miscarriages, and it nearly devistated me, so can't see how anyone could delibertly kill an unborn baby. I praise Go that you are there to remind people that it is a baby and not a blob of tissue that they are destroying.I pray our country will turn from their wicked ways, and stop all abortion. Love; Marilyn

Marilyn Burgess - 04/24/00 06:08:11
My URL:http://homestead.juno.com/cmburg/
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: Pictures of you and yours
Where are you from?: Hagerstown, In. 47346-9635
Crafts you like: crochet, knitting, and making lighted signs to go out front of our house, which Glorify God.
Do you have a prayer request ?: yes
If so leave enter it: Henry Davis: Critical heart problem. 9 blockages, no surgery option. Will have his heart stopped and studied Mon.17th, and Tues. they will try to put a defibrulator in his chest. He needs prayer to call on God, and he needs a iracle. Transplant is the only thing the doctors say will help. Thank you for your prayers. Also remember Roger Bingham, a young man who had to have an esophagus operation after something went wrong after a simple out patient operation. He is in critical condition. His surgery went okay, but he will be in the hospital for 10 to 14 days more. God bless

Great web site. I have been fighting abortion from the beginning. I wasn't even a Christian then. I became a Christian Oct. 1976.I had two miscarriages, and it nearly devistated me, so can't see how anyone could delibertly kill an unborn baby. I praise Go that you are there to remind people that it is a baby and not a blob of tissue that they are destroying.I pray our country will turn from their wicked ways, and stop all abortion. Love; Marilyn

Charles and Marilyn Burgess - 04/24/00 02:37:19
My URL:http://homestead.juno.com/cmburg/
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: You have so much, I can't think of anything else.
Where are you from?: Hagerstown, In. 47346-9635
Crafts you like: Woodworking, crochet, making our own signs that lift up Jesus, with mini lights,knitting,etc.
Do you have a prayer request ?: yes
If so leave enter it: Henry Davis: Critical heart problem. 9 blockages, no surgery option. Will have his heart stopped and studied Mon.17th, and Tues. they will try to put a defibrulator in his chest. He needs prayer to call on God, and he needs a iracle. Transplant is the only thing the doctors say will help. Thank you for your prayers. Also remember Roger Bingham, a young man who had to have an esophagus operation after something went wrong after a simple out patient operation. He is in critical condition. His surgery went okay, but he will be in the hospital for 10 to 14 days more. God bless

I was on the web site of someone who had signed our web page, and I found your site. What a site. I will invite you to our site, but it is kind of plain after looking at yours. I was not able to see it all, but I will be back. I especially like all the mu ic you have given us to enjoy. There is so many things to see and do on your site. God bless you for it. Love; Charles and Marilyn

Teddy - 04/23/00 00:29:57
My URL:http://community-2.webtv.net/Teddy-Wombat/WhyThreeCrosses/
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: I'd like to see more poems.
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Crafts you like: I don't really have a craft i like...but i do like collecting sports figures and memorialbilia.
Do you have a prayer request ?: YES
If so leave enter it: Please pray for my sweetie Renae...she has had 3 back surgeries and they are talking about doing another...her ack is degenerating rapidly and I am praying for a miracle...plus she is trying to quit smoking and hasn't been abl to...she needs the strength that only our Lord and Saviour can give her...thanks.

You have a wonderful site here...I loved the Inspirational Music page...keep up the great work! ~Teddy~

~Unique~ - 04/19/00 04:51:09
My URL:/homestead/heartland/3470
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Tx
Crafts you like: to many
Do you have a prayer request ?: no

Your site is great and I enjoyed my visit...thank you for sharing and stopping by my place.

Betty - 03/23/00 19:20:27
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Lake/3977/
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: YOU GOOD WORK
Where are you from?: MN.
Crafts you like: ALL KINDS

HI, I love the new page you got up "ABOUT ME" you are doing a GREAT job . Keep it up. It is a JOY to have you in the Praying Hands Web Ring. Betty

Peacedcw aka Diana - 03/13/00 20:10:55
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: anything to do with children
Where are you from?: Maine
Crafts you like: kids crafts
Do you have a prayer request ?: yes
If so leave enter it: for all the homeless, neglected and hungry children in the world


Random Acts of Kindness
Your site was inspirational. I love the graphics. It is a comforting place to want to be. I will surely tell my friends to come nd visit

diane - 02/07/00 01:56:31
My URL:http://geocities.com
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: chicago


A Friend - 01/27/00 09:49:14
Do you have a prayer request ?: YES

Here is a gift for you.

Random Acts of Kindness

- 01/24/00 18:41:10
My Email:[email protected]
Do you have a prayer request ?: yes below in comments

Please ask the intercessors to pray for unity in the church? Not one particular church, but all churches, denominations, independants, etc. I just came from the Pastor's Conference in Toronto, and it was so wonderful to see a few thousand come together from all over the USA, Canada & many other countries throughout the world. I was moved by the wonderful joy and peace experienced as we came together for one reason.... our love for Jesus, and desire to serve Him. I know that the Lord powerfully moves among the unity of His body. We are all different, yet we are all eternally joined in Him. This week gave me a glimpse of what it will mean to have true unity for eternity....let us begin practicing that peace NOW! Please pray daily for your church, pastor and other leaders, and for the body of Christ to pick up the pieces and get together in grace and peace and mercy and love! May our Lord be highly highly praised and honored by all of us so that the world may see Him in us... Karen Allen- [email protected]

Heather - 01/13/00 22:00:59
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Ridge/7715
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: poetry
Where are you from?: New England
Crafts you like: Crocheting, sewing

What a lovely site. I'm blessed by the time I've spent here! :) ~Heather

LIL DEB - 01/07/00 01:42:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~lildeb_3/index.html
Where are you from?: MD


Roe - 01/06/00 03:04:41
My URL:/homestead/roe_roe_2000
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Las Vegas
Crafts you like: painting

What a very lovely site. You have done a excellent job here. Keep up the good work! Thankyou for stopping by and viewing my site. God Bless you Always!

Juanita Pike - 12/31/99 20:10:57
My URL:http://www.n-link.com/~jpike
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: was blessed by all
Where are you from?: Ft. Hood, Texas

I see you have joined the Praying Hands Ring. May you be blessed in joining hands with God's Family. And may you have a Blessed New Year!!! My guestbook is down right now, but you can e-mail me any time. God Bless

Betty - 12/31/99 18:28:27
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Lake/3977/
My Email:[email protected]


Carmen - 12/27/99 14:15:02
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Do you have a prayer request ?: yes
If so leave enter it: The lord has given me amission and as days go by it's getting more difficult to acomplish it. Please pray so that God will give me strenght and send his angels to comfort me. I live for my Lord,but as a christian you know how difficult it is to be a christian and do what God is asking you to do in a world against evil forces.

Your testimony touched my heart. Your pages are beautiful and a comfort for those who like me need some encouragement and someone to remind us that Jesus is always with us and ready to help us at all time. Thank you for such beautiful words, for sharing your testimony. Our Lord is using you to touch other souls here on earth. May the Holy Spirit guide you always, may the peace and love of our God be with you always, in Christ love Carmen

Betty - 12/25/99 18:33:35
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Lake/3977/
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: You are doing great, Just add a few verses from the Bible . You are doing great. Your site is wonderful. Just keep up the good ork and WELCOME TO OUR RING
Where are you from?: USA
Crafts you like: ALL KINDS
Do you have a prayer request ?: Yes
If so leave enter it: I pray that we all can win more people to Christ . I pray that all of us that belong to this web ring will win at least one person to Christ this year , I pray that we can win many more. Also I ask for prayer for a young man t at happens to be a Jew , that he will come to know Christ.

Your Site is GREAT I want to Welcome you. I love it . God Bless you and yours

Cheryl - 12/09/99 09:04:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/rosarywine/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

This is SO embarassing. Hopefully, THIS time I did it right. Sorry.

Cheryl - 12/09/99 09:01:34
My URL:http://www.angelfie.com/ny3/rosarywine/index.html
My Email:[email protected]

Maybe this time I'll put my URL in correctly. : ) Like I said, enjoyed your site, especially those beginning comments.

Cheryl - 11/22/99 10:40:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/rosarywine/index.htmlhttp://
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: NY

Lovely site. Especially liked your beginning comments.

Juanita Pike - 11/13/99 04:54:21
My URL:http://www.n-link.com/~jpike
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: Dear you are doing fine, just let the Spirit of God lead you
Where are you from?: Ft. Hood, Texas

LOVE YOUR SITE!!! Just keep feeding souls, we never know how much God uses what little we do. But if we work with Him he will use what ever He leads us to do to minster to souls. That is the KEY, touching souls. Mother Threasa said "when I feed someone, I am feeding Jesus, when I put a shirt on a little child I am clothing Jesus and etc." She did what she could and God blessed it many times over!!!

Connie - 10/16/99 06:43:56
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: California
Crafts you like: Making padded photo albums, picture frames..etc.

Very nice site....Perhaps some Bible lessons would be good to add.

Archangel Michael - 10/16/99 02:28:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/innerpeace/mike.html
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: More about your life.
Where are you from?: Washington
Crafts you like: Wood Carving
Do you have a prayer request ?: no

I enjoyed your site very much... Keep up the good work and God Bless You, Archangel Michael

Betty - 10/15/99 20:50:33
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: More Bible and Words of Christ
Where are you from?: MN.
Crafts you like: All kinds
Do you have a prayer request ?: Yes
If so leave enter it: I ask that all people love their Christian brothers and sisters, no matter what Church they go to as long as they are TRUE Christians

Your site is looking good. Keep up the good work, but add some more Christian links and more on God's Word. You are doing good. Keep up the good work

Nina - 09/11/99 05:40:24
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: rest of mysterys
Where are you from?: Tenn
Crafts you like: candle making&dolls
Do you have a prayer request ?: Yes
If so leave enter it: Pray for USA

I really like the fact we have this little start of a site, It will be nice when you finish it keep up the good work

Jack - 09/11/99 05:34:34
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: more of your site
Do you have a prayer request ?: Yes
If so leave enter it: my Son

Pray that my son will settle down and leave drugs alone. Come to know the Lord

Oma - 09/04/99 14:34:05
Do you have a prayer request ?: pray for Dad

Pray for dad he is getting old and not doing so well lately

Mary - 08/21/99 07:05:58
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: more of the prayers
Where are you from?: Canada
Crafts you like: Not many Candles I guess and mostly sewing
Do you have a prayer request ?: yes
If so leave enter it: Pray for my children to stop drinking

I loved your page, but would like to see the page on Rosary Meditations finished. Also would like more Bible. We do not study it as much as other Churches. I would like to see more of that,Please. Thank you

Mary - 08/15/99 07:23:47
My Email:[email protected]
Tell me what you would like to see more of.: crafts
Where are you from?: Miss.
Do you have a prayer request ?: Yes pray for my son
If so leave enter it: MY beloved son

My Son , My god I pray for my son , Please God keep him safe. MAKE him stop drinking and Lord Please save his soul and help his depresson. Show me what to do for him.Mary Mother Of God Please Pray for him.

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