Cat Stuff
........Gayla's Cat Stuff........

Now we Will introduce you to all of our 8 Cat's:

First we have Nikki.

Nikki is about 11 years old. He use to be a farm cat, he has adjusted well to the city life. Nikki's favorite things to do is eat and sleep. He loves to wrap up around your leg in the morning for his breakfast. The only other thing Nikki does is keep stray cat's away from our front door, and keep Blue in line if he is messing with him.

Second we have Spoda BA Dawg. Spoda is about 8 years old. He is a manx. But he was the odd ball of the litter and was born with a tale. Spoda loves to do about anything. Eat, sleep, play, get in trouble, tear up computer stuff, hide in the garage, be the boss of all the cat's and even try and keep the dog's in line. His favorite past time is to steal coins or screws and play with them in the bath tub, until they bounce down the drain. He also loves to swatt pen's and pencil's out of your hand while you're writting. If he is real bored and wants attention he will lay on your keyboard till you get onto him and pay attention to him. But one thing we as people have to remeber is to never tell Spoda NO! He will keep doing what ever you tell him not to do. But really he is a pretty cool cat. Doesn't really have a bad bone in his body.

Third we have Mitsy Ann.

Mitsy is about 7 years old. She is probably the prettiest cat we own. Mitsy is Spoda's play toy. They wrestle all the time. Boy can they make some noise and make a mess. Mitsy, is one of the most loving cats we have she loves attention from anyone and everyone. We do have to warn guest if they are petting her not to stop. Because she will bite you and run if you do stop petting her and paying attention to her if she has not had enough. Mitsy is probably the biggest on playing with cat toys. She will care them around the house like they are her babies. In the middle of the night she will scream at them (I figure she must be yelling at them because they are not in bed yet). But who know's! Mitsy has a big mother instinct, she will clean all of our animals ears. If they don't like it Oh well she will sit on them and then clean there ears. It is really kind of funny to watch her in action. Mitsy's favorite pet's are Spoda, Coffe, Lucky, Blue and Cooper.

Fourth we have Coffee Dawg. Coffee is about 6 years old. Clif and I found her under a car at a restraunt when she was about 6 weeks old. Coffee is very well mannered. She hate's Blue, Rastus and Fred. She thinks Cooper is ok because he never messes with her. Coffee likes to play, eat and sleep. She is the mother of one litter which was five kittens. Four Boy's and one Girl. Bruno, Mandy Pandy, Gizmo, JuJu (Duckie Jr), and Mickey Mouse. We still have three of her babies who are all much larger than her. Coffee is a very good mother even though her babies are 5 years old now. She still has one (JuJu) who still try's and nurse her. It is the funniest sight I have ever seen, but hey she let's him. She is the smallest cat we own. Coffee is the best foot warmer we have.

Next we have Lucky Duck Dawg.

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