Thanks for signing our Guestbook!
Come and visit us again soon!

Scrappy Kat - 12/23/00 07:39:20
How did you find us: dark side of the net

Hello~ Your site is lovely! Visiting was a pleasure. I especially like the Halloween pages. You'd be a welcome addition to Scrappy's Halloween Top Sites list. I really like your sense of style. Happy Holiday Season!!! Scrappy Kat

- 10/02/00 17:07:05

you are a lesbo

Kevin Drennan - 09/24/00 11:09:49
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: search engine

wonderful site, very well done

Allen Harrington - 05/13/00 23:33:10
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: surfed in

I have an award winning pet care and handling, for most types of pets, section of our compay's website. You might like it.

DQueen of DNile - 03/31/00 06:45:53
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: Just lucky *s*


I'm very impressed

Your hard work shines through

I've had a wonderful time

Here visiting you

So why not sign up

Meet friends and have fun

DQueen's Pharaohs are waiting

To make you Number 1!!

I Am DQueen of DNile
Welcome to DQueen's Pharaohs
at The Site Fights


~*~*~Check Us Out~*~Join Us Today~*~We're Waiting For Yo ~*~*~

Walk Like An Egyptian!!

Sheri - 03/22/00 12:29:10
How did you find us: Netfind

I really enjoyed your Easter pages. Thanks for the great visit!

Gene - 02/25/00 20:58:26
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: surfing

I like this page. Lots of things to do. God bless...<><...

Cris - 02/11/00 02:47:18
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Shores/7212
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: following the webring : )

Nice place you have here! : )

[email protected] - 02/07/00 19:20:20
My Email:danielle0909
How did you find us: hotbox

I have a beautiful love song on mp3. (With You) which can be downloaded free for those who would like to share with a loved one. With You is presently being played on radio station in Europe and Japan etc. as it has been chosen love song of the week for alentine Week. You can listen to it on If you would like to link to this song for this week please do so. Thank you in anticipation. Danielle [email protected]

Alexis - 02/02/00 17:34:44
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: My Great Aunt

I love this site its just so cute and fun!!!

Meghan - 01/26/00 04:08:35
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Ridge/3808
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: Hehe, from heartland!

Hi Cindy. It has been a while since I have stopped in to visit your heartland home. It looks nice as always :o) We miss you in the heartlands! *hugs*

Melinda - 11/26/99 01:46:28
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: viewing another page

What a great page!! Thank you for sharing with us here on the www :)

jimmie R Davis - 11/20/99 22:34:24
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: I have a link to you on my links page


Bob C. - 11/06/99 14:47:22
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: Newsletter

I like your site...especially your Guestbook. Is this one of Geocities Std guestbooks???

Bernie - 10/25/99 01:48:15
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Grove/7108
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: geocities

I just came through CL training and saw your page address and came to see it. VERY NICE. I like to see everyones page. Gives me a good perspective on page building. Yours is great and very interresting. Thank You.

kameron kelly - 10/10/99 17:12:33


Rich - 10/07/99 14:01:04
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Grove/1469
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: You're my "boss" in heartland!

Hi Cindy! Just dropped in to meet you! You have a beautiful place here! Tell Kelley that he's doing a great job with HTML and to keep up the good work! By the way, I'm a brand new CL in Bluffs... Just wanted to let you know that I'm very glad to be on such a great team! I feel as though I joined a HUGE family! Take care... Rich CL For Bluffs 1250-1749

kirby - 10/04/99 00:47:56
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: yahoo search


kelsey - 09/27/99 23:00:38
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: on a broom

cool page! i have this on my favorites and i go to it all the time!

L Ron Hoover and LB - 09/26/99 05:32:38
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: Ancient Chinese Secret!

HEY!!!!!! Long time no hear! How are ya? We Miss Ya!

cheree - 09/12/99 16:32:18
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: searched the web for cross stiching


Paula - 08/12/99 10:27:10
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Trail/1270
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: search engine

Hi Cindy and Kelly....found you thru Altavista looking for halloween graphics....but your site has to offer lots of neat things...I enjoyed my stay here very much

Bernie - 08/11/99 00:49:16
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Grove/7108
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: CL page

Very nice pages I enjoyed my visit very much. I had to say hi to my leaders in the Grove burb.

Denny Lancaster - 08/09/99 04:38:27
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Valley/6403
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: The Faerie Mother Sent Me!

Special people deserve to have a special day! Are you asleep as I write this? Dreams on into the night? Are aware she has been here - Seeing what you do write? Did you hear her footsteps - Hear her very breath? Did you hear her stop - At your place to rest? I seen an angels wings - Gently brush your site - She kissed it good bye - When she left tonight. A smile upon her face - The wind in her hair - Her style full of grace - I seen her leaving here. Are you asleep as I write this? Dreams on into the night? Are aware she have been here - Seeing what you do write?

Angi - 08/09/99 01:38:10
My URL:/homestead/heartland/Garden/5262/
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find us: U invited me :-)


Hi Kelley & Cindy! :-)

The pics were wonderful!
Thanks for sharing them with us! :-)
Next time, take me with u! LOL!

Have a great week U 2!
I will be back soon to see you again.


Y!GeoCities heartland Community Leader

Grove 2750-2999

heartland Angels Committee

WebTech University HTML 101 Instructor

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