Why is this Page
on the Net?

Woodworker by night, at my day job, I'm a freelance computer consultant (look of shock and surprise from the audience). I have been for more than a dozen years. The Internet is a new and evolving animal, even for those of us who work in this field. Through the courtesy and kindness of Geocities, I have the opportunity to present my hobby to you as I learn to better use the resources of the Worldwide Web. I'm having a lot of fun with it and I hope you find it useful.

Browse as much as you like and come back often. I add things all the time, so you're likely to find something new when you come! The pages have been designed with the Netscape 3.0 browser in mind, using a 16 million color display. If your images are speckled and you use a 256 color display, set Netscape to substitute colors rather than to dither. If things still look strange to you, please let me know. And if you think the pages are just plain ugly and non-functional, well, my feelings will be hurt but I need to know that too.

Oh! By the way, don't consider the references to commercial enterprises on my page to be an endorsement of their product(s). They are only here because I have found something of interest and wanted to share it with you. No one compensates me for their appearance here and if they wished to, I'd be contractually obligated to decline the offer.

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