Comedy Section

Here you'll find a great collection of funny one liners to horrible puns, so read at your own risk!

These jokes have been reviewed and are deemed "family orientated" and "clean", so no harm or bias opinions are meant by them!

Isn't Yellow a wonderful colour to be looking at while a picture loading to the right and behind...NOT!

Computer Jokes - some are real life
Family Matters - these definately are real life
Church Jokes -  bug your pastor with these
So y'all from Texas eh? - Big jokes for big egos

Puns - From sad signs to sad people
Groaners - Need I say more?
Things to Ponder - Good thoughts

So Ya Got Computer Problems eh?
Etch-a-Sketch Help Files
Tech Desk Help Notes there are hurting people out there...
Murphy's Law of Computing - what everyone needs to know...
10 Commandments of computing - Thou shalt not use the CD as a coffe cup holder...
Computer Help - are you technically challenged?...
Computer Definitions - hey who said I don't know nerd jargon?
Computer Viruses - If these were true, we'd be in big trouble...
FREE Computer Anti-Stress Kit! - tested by professionals...
Something to give to a coworker who's puder crashed.
Computer Myths - excellent source on computer virus email alerts...
Cars vs Computers

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Family matters eh? ("Not Me"...every family has a kid by this name)
20 Excuses for being late - if you boss believes this, I got land for sale.
Haircut Anyone? - Difference between Men's and Women's...
Parents Dictionary - what every new parent needs...
Simple Truths for Parents - true life wisdom to new parents...
Wedding Groaners - Isn't being married Wonderful?
Confused Families - I'm my own grandfather eh? kinky...
Real Men - learn how to be a real man!
Old? Who me? - I'm just chronically challenged...
Money money, money!
Miracle Diet Plan - here's a fool proof way of loosing weight...
Calorie Counters - need to count those bad calories?
Telemarketers - Quick answers to those supper time calls
Home Cleaning Tips - 15 tips to make or break guests visiting you...
College Life - there's no life like it!
Exam Time! - Done to the tune of Nite before Christmas...
Dust Bunnys - vicious beasts roam your house...
Puppy Dog Rules - things to teach your future heros...
Dad said so - did you ever find yourself saying this...

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Y'all go to Church eh?
Last Words what you want to hear at your funeral...
Church Bulletins Actual bulletins...
Funny Church Jokes - good ones to tell your pastors
Nice Stories - to warm your heart with :)
Good prayer - to start your day off right...
Fundamentalists - You know you need prayer when...
Letters to God - Cute letters to God from kids!
Heavens Grocery - Best shopping list around!
Wisdom Part III - More wisdom for us "obviviously challenged".

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Y'all from Texas eh?
Texas Vistors Guide Y'all know yer in Texas when...
Texas Politicians - or lack of...
Cowboy's Logic - Or lack of it...
Here Moosie - Texas Hunters and Moose
Man it's HOT! Like...whew!
Cows - Like Moo eh?
"Saskatchewan" - if you can say it, you're probably from there...
Driving in Calgary - a must know on road rage...
Things not to say when pulled over...

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Not Punny eh!
Puns - Signs of the times! Puns of Steel?
Oxymorons1 - Hurry up and wait!
Oxymorons2 - Wait there's more!
Awake - Things that keep me up at night!
Chickens - Why DID the chicken cross the road?
Famous Quotes - Good ones for paranoid people...
Famous Quotes #2 - Nothing like hindsite eh.
Groaners - need i say more?
One Liners - These are groaners! To think these guys get paid for this...
Newspaper Headlines - or are these guys serious?
English Quirks - Come destroy the English Language with me!
Bumper Stickers - intelligence behind the wheel?
Advertisements - Attention getters
Doctor! Doctor! - some interesting reading on those prescriptions...

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Groaners eh? Need I say more...
Yugo Cars - You Go, but the car don't...
Snappy One Liners - need a good comeback?
Elevator One Liners - Bored while riding an elevator?
Light Bulbs - How many...
Short Books - wanna read something fast? Winners...
Product Warnings - are we really THAT dumb???
Military Repair Reports - Your tax dollars at work...yep
McDonald Douglas...wanna to buy a fighter jet?
New Jeep - Some guys got more money then brains...
Psychic Help - Or was that Psychotic Help line?
Movie Cliches - Or Like "yeah right...I'm sure..."

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And finally..some things to ponder:
Ten Things for the New thankful :)
Paradox of our true.
Soap Opera's...what you really learn from them.
Real Friends...who they really are.
Plea for Help...for professional sports players.

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Copyright © 1996-2002 T.McLaughlin & Associates (and any other year, so leave me alone eh!)