Here is Some of My Friends Webpage Please Visit thier Pages
They Have Touched my life and heart and showed me what Friendship is All about Even though we Have never I Still call them My friends

Puddin A real Sweet Gal from Canada A true Friend & Net Sis  for 4 years

Lady Dragon She may have a firey Breath But she won't hurt she been my good friend and net sis for 4 yrs, and i had the pleasure of meeting her in person :)

Datin: another Powwow friend and a net sis of 4 yrs A real sweet person from Louisana

Jeans and Pearls a real good net and net sis from Canada of 4 yrs a Lovely person talk too

Pan Demodium What Can I say about him, LOL He is real nice Guy and A nut likes to Create Chaos lol

Tryania is her New Name and another Important Person on the Net. She also Been my Rock and sounding board.When I need it. I love you from the bottom of my heart. We been thru some rough times I'm glad she got a Good husband to help her and her Children and be there when she needs

SweetyBird A Real Good Euchre Friend and Pardener She just started her Webpage But has done a fantastic Job!!

A fine Lady Debdre I just met thru heartland angels I Belong too and help people Build Webpages She just Started but has done GREAT Work and a good Student  I'm Proud of Her

Mikey A Real nice Person on and off the Net, He's my net brother for a long time married to Darin Darla One of the Best Net Sis's I have

Last But Not Least and One of the most Important on the Net Darin Darla, My net friend of 4 yrs and I met in Real Life. She means more to me than words can explain. Let Me Try. She been My Rock and My sounding Board When gone bad. We been thru Times and Trials but our Friendship have stood Strong. The way Friendship should be. I love you Thank you from the bottom of my heart

This is to My friends listed here and Especially to my Special Friend Darin Darla, she knows I'm Not a person for words i hope this will tell how her I feel