by Judyful Cook

I would look everywhere
And very often gaze,
Wondering, if God is here
Or hiding in a maze?

I could not bear,
Nor could I endure
That God is not here.
That's what faith is for.

Where is there a sign
From way up above
That this God of mine
Watches down with love?

I've tried searching the air
Far into our outer space.
Is the Creator, God, somewhere
Guiding the human race?

People often despair,
Before their spirits renew,
Thinking God is not there
For their eyes to view.

When someone dies,
Do not be forlorn.
Just search the skies
For a soul reborn.

Find time each day
To kneel down in prayer.
Learn in your own way
That God is really here.

If your life feels grim,
I wish to verbally impart,
"If you really look for Him,
God is there in your heart."

I wanted to shout
Heavenly and joyfully
When I did find out
God is here for me.*

* I wrote this poem as a promise I made to God after He had saved my life. It was a miracle.
On Saturday, July 21st, 2001, God saved my life and spared me from very serious injury. I was at my niece, Doreen's home in New Jersey, celebrating her 40th birthday with several relatives. My adventuresome nephew, Richard, brought his purple 4 wheel all terrain vehicle (ATV) for us to enjoy.
Keep in mind, I am 57 years old! Well, since it was also a pool party, I had on the required bathing suit and a sleeveless top and flip flops that afternoon. Stupidly, I decided to take a turn riding the ATV. Eons ago, in my youth, I had driven a motorcycle for several years. The first slow and careful ride around their lovely and spacious property was exhiliarating. Richard watched me from a distance. The second time around, I gleefully shouted, "Hey, watch me," being the ham that I am! I revved up the speed control attatched to the handlebar. At 60 m. p. h., I lost complete control of the vehicle. Thank God I had opted to wear a helmet! Swerving to avoid crashing into a parked car and a tree, I kind of steered over the curb and into the busy street.
Miraculously, there was no traffic on the road. Instinctively (or at least I like to think so!), I briefly put my left foot down to try to stop the vehicle while I had a death grip on the handlebar and speed control. All I had to do was let go of the speed lever and the ATV would come to a stop! Duh, me! I froze with a hand death grip as the ATV jumped over the even larger curb on the other side of the street.
Richard was the only witness and said that I was thrown 3 feet into the air and landed on my left side and then my helmet popped off and I rolled several times. Richard was the first one to reach me as all the party guests followed behind him. Doreen and her daughter, Gina, both agreed it was fortunate they had just finished a course in first aid a week ago. This was very reassuring as I am a Registered Nurse and was in no condition to treat myself at the moment. By the way, it is true that when you are in shock, you feel no pain! After awhile and careful assessment by Doreen and Gina, I was helped back over to the party where my legally blind mom, Ted, was yelling out, "Is Judy alive? Is she alright? Someone please answer me."
No bones felt broken or dislocated and my head and neck felt fine. Doreen and Gina poured hydrogen peroxide over a large gash on top of my left foot and bandaged it very well. Appearently, the $2400.00 ATV had come to a stop, completely unscathed, close to the neighbor's house I would have surely crashed into had I not been thrown off. My sister, Vicki, reported that they found my flip flops several yards from me and the helmet even further away. Richard could not believe that I was not more seriously hurt. Someone had even offered to call 911 but I felt alright (remember, shock cancells out pain!) and just rested for awhile. Richard handed me a bright orange kerchief with the Survivor logo on it that was nearby and Vicki said "That's your birthday present ahead of time!" We all had a good laugh over that. Then, Richard, ever the comedian, asked me if I would like one more ATV ride before I left. Doreen made me promise to call her when I got home. As I left, I saw Richard happily riding around in his ATV minus a helmet. There is no doubt that my family could put the Survivor show to shame!
Uneventfully, I drove an hour home to Cedar Knolls where my husband, Bob, was just finishing up working for the day. Stumbling through our front door, I noticed that the once white bandage was very red. Bob gently tore it off and stated, "You need stitches. We are going to the Emergency Room." We called my family doctor and then Doreen and then went to Morristown Memorial Hospital. By then, shock was wearing off and my whole left side was one huge pain. I was immediately taken into Minor Trauma (no surprise there!), seen by a wonderful doctor (who's name escapes me), given strong pain medication and received 6 sutures to close the gash on my left foot.
Everyone at the hospital and at the party were amazed that I was not hurt more seriously or outright killed. I believe that God saved my life and my Guardian Angel assisted. Right then and there, in a morphine haze, I promised God that I would write a poem to Him and put it on my webpage and now I have fullfilled my promise. I might mention that I had my fingernails and toenails previously painted each a different color for Doreen's party and it was a hit in the Emergency Room. I guess they need a little levity now and then. Like I said, "Ever the ham!" Also, they all chuckled over my survivor kerchief that I was proudly wearing! And me? I am at home slowly recovering from multiple bruises on my left side(our son, Jim, said one even looked like Africa!), a pulled groin muscle, friction burns along my whole lower left leg and a healing left foot gash (not the best medical terminology but very descriptive!). I did have to visit my "friends" at the Minor Trauma Emergency Room ten days later as blood clots had formed under my sutures and a doctor skillfully removed the stitches, re-opened the wound and removed the clots, cleaned the area and closed it. Thank God for Valium and Morphine Sulphate! Yes, God is here and, thankfully, so am I!

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