Beverly is an Angel now and always was on Earth!

Oh to have found her and to loose her in such a short time. But the joy she brought to everyone's life that knew her will last in our minds forever!

She loved her family. She loved her friends! There was no one finer than her grandkids! She was proud of her children! She would brag on each and everyone of them when we would talk!

Words can not alone tell the story of finding Aunt Bev and her wonderful family! NOR can images do her justice! The reason I choose the image I did for her page, is that she lost a daughter that she loved so much and I know in my heart that now she is holding her in Heaven!

The song "In the Garden" was sung at her funeral. She loved flowers, she loved her Garden. If we had a rose for each time we smiled when we thought about her or heard her voice. We would have a never ending Garden of roses to last us a life time!

Thanks for being number
Created by Barb 2000

Barb's Place in heartland