

There are so many wonderful people involved in genealogy on the internet that are willing to give assistance.  I have always tried to help others in the belief that someone would help me in turn someday.  That has certainly turned out to be the case, and I am thankful for the many many people who have assisted me.  The kindness of strangers is heartwarming.  We genealogists are a good bunch!

to the folks at WBS Genealogy Chat who encouraged me to make a genealogy page and who helped me with html glitches
to Johnny MacKinnon, formerly of Campbeltown, Scotland, who put me in contact with my Campbeltown relatives.
to Dick Kaulfuss in England; Gail Kipke in Canada; Cath MacLarty, Flora Gemmel, Jean Girvan, Archie Girvan, Mandy Girvan, & Jamie Girvan in Scotland.
to Jaroslav Jedlinsky, a student in Prague and a native of Vamberk, Czech Republic, who has helped me via email
to Betty Ward in looking up my Girvan and Hunter connections in Northern Ireland
to Karen Emery who helped me with my Graham/McKinley line
to the members of the McCALLUM/MALCOLM email list
to Don & Brid McGinley for Hunter information from Londonderry
to Tomas & Katerina Fried of Prague, for diligently collecting Kubalek information from the family in the Czech Republic and for translations.  To Roman Jelinek in the Czech Republic for adding his Kubalek connections, and also to Colleen Butard, Dale Halupnik, and Joe Drahos in the USA.
to the following for helping me to expand the research on my husband's family lines:  Ray Adams, Don Alford, Ann Bush, Art Barta, Jim Safarik, Ted Kubicek, L. Drinovsky, Rose Branchini, Bob Chadima, Sabra Horack Petersmann, Thom Horack, Alma Rigel, and that wonderful gentleman, Benjamin Shambaugh Horack, who shared his memoirs with me!
to Bertil Friberg in Göteborg, Sweden for generously looking up information on my Swedish great-grandfather's family
to Glenn Gustafson, the genius behind "Kiron Kountry", for showing me the way to look for help with Swedish research
to Willie McCallum of Glasgow, Scotland, for lookups on several Scottish lines
to Chris Doak of Glasgow, Scotland, for finding valuable information for me in Argyll
to Mary Dolan, George Rompot, Judy Pohorski and most of all, Darlene Schuller for Smejkal research.
to Sharon Foley for extensive correspondence and sharing on the Sedlacek lines.  Also to Mary Simanek, Robert Larson, and Pat Skay
to our "McCulloch Team" -  my "cousins" from Scotland (Iain, Jock & Mayme), England (Dave and Janet) and the good ol' USA (Malcolm) for all the help on the McCulloch family - their assistance has been invaluable! Also Chris Haenicke, Allen Pennie, Myra Bell, and Ian Robbins.
and to long-time genealogy friends, supporters and encouragers ... Tom and Sue from Wisconsin

If I have neglected to mention some of the many contacts who have helped build and enhance my research, I apologize.  There have been SO many ...and I thank you all.


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