Barbara's Gardens

Relax, and stroll through my Iowa perennial gardens!

Yes!!! I love much so that I started a part-time home business to support my hobby and ran it for about 5 years.! The first thing you'll find me doing as the snow melts is to rush out each morning to check my beds, to see what little green thing may have appeared overnight. As the weather warms, I'm digging, splitting and potting perennials and designing or redesigning beds. In the summer, I am busy transplanting,  weeding, mulching and maintaining my beds. As fall approaches a whole new series of blooms start, especially the asters, which attract the hundreds of migrating Monarch Butterflies that pass through!

 Gardening is a fulfilling hobby, as you can see from the following pictures. I enjoy helping to beautify God's green earth, and derive a lot of satisfaction from encouraging others to plant perennials as well.

 So please take a stroll through my gardens, and enjoy! I realize the photos take a while to load, and my scanning skills are not the best, but I hope you'll find it worth it. Thanks for stopping by!

Click the thumbnail to see the full picture, please!

Asters in Fall


Ah! Spring

Butterfly garden

Close up view

Shade Garden

Hosta area

View to house

Daylily corner

Smell the lilies!

Plants for sale

Veggie garden

Little House 

Again, in bloom

At twilight 

My "Girls"...Carrie and Emma, also known as the "Z" girls, who worked with me for 4 years 
while they were in junior high and high school.  I could not have had a business without them.  
They were wonderful workers and we had many good times. We DO clean up well, even though we 
didn't look so hot right after weeding muddy beds!  Thank you so much, girls!

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