OscarCelebrate our Differences!Oscar

Are one of these awards waiting for you?

Does your page have a personality?

Ms-Analysis sees lots of people in this office and with that comes the opportunity to examine their diversity. What might interest and excite one might bore or disturb another. These awards are presented to recognize and revel in the vast interests expressed on the internet. Below you will find a "personality" description that is offering each award. Read them carefully and apply for the award that captures the essence of your page!

The Ms-Analysis' Precious Page Award

Ms-Analysis likes to view pages that are sweetly designed. The message on these pages should leave one with some understanding of who you are. No one has to agree with your opinion but your page should leave one with a warm, inviting feeling. The page must be appropriate for any age visitor and must conform to safe surf requirements.

Ms-Analysis' Precious Page Award

Winners List!

Asa's Real Men Award

Asa likes to view pages that address stereotypical masculine topics. The message on these pages should express to their visitors what you think real men are all about. These pages should be interesting to men and written by men, but must not contain pornography!

 Asa's Real Men

Winners List!

Reva's Temptress Award

Reva likes to view pages that leave one wanting more. The message on these pages should be adventurous but tastefully done. These pages should be innovative and show your new twist to an old theme.

Reva's Temptress Award

Winners List!

Joe's Manly Man Award

Joe likes to view pages that makes one think. The message on these pages should leave one examining their deeper feelings about everyday things. These pages should promote a deep desire to do things with sensitivity and understanding...whether it involve personal family life or a global society.

Joe's Manly Man Award

Winners List!

Tawanda's Wildchild Award

Tawanda likes to view pages that are purely fun. The message on these pages should let the visitor know what you consider to be entertaining. These pages leave one wishing they could join in the party atmosphere feeling expressed there. No hacking, freaking, warez or pornography pages!

Tawanda's Wildchild Award

Winners List!

Katie Scarlett's Most Romantic Award

Katie likes to view pages that are romatic. The message on these pages should let the visitor know your romantic side. These pages leave one with a warm glow and ocassionally a teary eye. No pornography or graphicly descriptive pages! These pages are about love!

Katie Scarlett's Most Romantic Award

Winners List!

Apply for ONE of these awards here!

Most of these awards were made for me by Vikimouse
Thanks Vikimouse!

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