Let's Communicate!!

A Really Big Phone!


It's the fastest way to understanding!

The benefits of using the Internet!

The internet can be the great equalizer. It can allow us to communicate our thoughts, often with people that we might not interact with in person. It encourages you to be just who you are, with little fear of reproach due to race, religion, sexual orientation, financial position or physical apperance.

Although there are always those that will ask those prying types of personal questions, such as your age, sex or location. Those types of questions are considered to be in poor taste by the unspoken "netiquette" standards. There are also those who will ask more personal questions or just be down right rude! There are bigots and stalkers in cyber space too!

Remember to protect yourself! While it is up to individual discretion just how much information you divulge, caution should be exercised when answering some questions asked by those you have just met! A very wise man once told me, "People only know about you what you chose to tell them".

Now that the serious discussion is out of the way.....let's talk about the innovative ways that the internet can help you to keep in touch,
usually for no more than the time it takes to
download the software and the cost of a local call!

The current program review is ICQ
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