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Go Ahead - Call 9-1-1: I'm off duty!


Here is where we all can take a break from the REAL WORLD of handling emergencies and assisting the public.
Keep an eye on the time you spend surfing the links.... Synchronize your watch and take care NOT to be late for work.

When I first created this site, I had thought I would link to sites offering diversions or what I considered to be worthwhile special projects for my peers (everywhere, in all three disciplines of Public Safety) to peruse. After all, some folks don't want work to intrude on their off-duty time. Then it struck me, if I get so much pleasure in discovering Home Pages developed for and maintained by officers, dispatchers, fire fighters, and emergency medical personnel, then maybe some of y'all would like to check 'em out, too.

911Click the 9-1-1 logo to go to other, more "professional" Links of particular interest to Public Safety personnel.

If you're interested in finding more about the professional ME and just which agency I work for, FIRST, then by all means, check me out.

The Break Room contains personal observations and opinions
and does not reflect the position of my department.

If you want to learn a little bit more about me, you can check my personal page where I've put other stuff that doesn't quite fit this page's admittedly broad content. I've added a page about my companion animals, too. I recently purchased a digital camera, so I have some pictures of them, if you're interested in seeing my furry family members.

And, in response to some inquiries, I've added some Words of Wisdom for folks considering a career in Public Safety Communications.

I've gotten some awards for this site. I'd be delighted if you clicked ahead to see them.

If you're accessing the 'Net at work, the button below just might be useful.

Most dispatchers are familiar with the process of researching information through manuals and guides and "cheat-sheets" and help.files online (oh you lucky people using Computer-Aided Dispatch systems!) in order to complete some necessary transaction. It's no different HERE; just think of this site as a more entertaining version of an NLETS manual. Some stuff is a simple, quick keystroke or two away, but other items will require you to settle in and study them before you can fully appreciate the results. Also, if you're amused by technological humor, the happy little CAD terminal will take you to some jokes I've started to gather.


This Ring is owned by Linda Olmstead.

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Many of the Links listed throughout this website require ShockWave to be able to view and/or play with the toys. I heartily recommend downloading this software, and if you don't have Netscape 3.0, well, I've provided a Utilities Page where you can get to the sources for some extremely useful software. I've even included Crescendo, which will greatly enhance your web-browsing experiences, by adding background music. (If you don't have it, you probably can't hear the great themes on my pages!) Go for it!

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities

Family-Friendly Site featured in C*E*A Frames Free Site


Links to FUN on the Web

Click the picture to go to entertaining WWW links now!.

The navigation index is at the bottom of most Break Room pages.

In recent years, due to abuses by folks with access to Law Enforcement computer systems, there have been severe restrictions (outright BANS) on "surfing" official computerized networks. When I started as a dispatcher, there were no sanctions against looking up anybody you wanted in DMV files, or sending messages to, from, and within agencies in a friendly, communicative manner. Nowadays, it's not only frowned upon, but you can (and SHOULD) be disciplined and/or FIRED for using such access without legal reason. (This is a GOOD thing, by the way.) However, I kinda miss playing with those abilities. Luckily, there are more appropriate off-duty pastimes to satisfy that need to chat with others in the same career field.

Would you like to send a digital postcard to anyone with an e-mail address?

I've become addicted, errrrr, heavily involved in Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and spend a great deal of time online with friends I've made around the world. It's free (unlike America OnLine) and one can have real-time conversations with hundreds of thousands of folks on different topics.

You can sometimes find me, if you're interested in "meeting" the author of this site, on the TalkCity server in this channel:


The cool thing about TalkCity is that it supports PC, Mac, AOL and WebTV users so we can all get together an network! (You'd be surprised at how many dispatchers are hitting the 'Net via those top-of-the-TV set boxes than you'd realize!) And even AOL users can access TalkCity and join in the conversations. Be sure to check out Dispatch Chat right here in the Break Room for more specific information!

If, by chance, you don't find me there, you could always page me on ICQ - and if I'm online at the time, I'll get that message.

If you're a PC or MAC user, you should take the opportunity to download an IRC client (I recommend mIRC) from my Utilities page and come on in!

If you're totally confused by IRC, try NewIrc and you'll get some useful information.

A great deal of the fun with IRC is the ability to play sound files to spice up your discussions, sort of an audible commentary to the interactive text chat. I've collected several hundred snippets of TV and movie dialog, sound effects, and brief snatches of popular music and songs. Sample some of my favorites to get an idea of the possibilities.

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Critique MY website!

Sign my guestbook if you have comments to share with others, and complete my survey to provide me with some feedback! Survey information will be sent to me as e-mail and not posted for anyone else to see. Please take a few moments of time to let me know what you thought of my site.

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My extremely reliable guestbook server crashed and lost everyone's data. (At least it lasted a year!) 189 Break Room Visitor entries simply disappeared without a trace. Please take the time to fill up the new one for me!

Old Archived Pergatory I guest-book entries.

Click on the above icon to join others like you who have suffered guest-book loss through Lpage.

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Click here to read more about it.

Facility Constantly Under Construction last update May 23rd, 1999


me� 1996 - 1999 [email protected]

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