Dear Fellow Traveler,

In the past, it is likely that every trip you took required considerable planning and packing. You probably also scrimped and saved for a while to be able to afford the trip. You may have been worried about whether you would have good weather or bad.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the future, where you can be a cyber traveler, rainy day or not, traveling at a moment's notice to any site in the world. Join the countless millions who embark daily on virtual vacations via the world wide web (WWW).

Your most indespensible tools for this trip include a web browser with appropriate hardware along with an internet service to access the web.

When making your trips, don't forget to utilize special tourist centers such as Tripod's Living & Travel

The most efficient trips often start by accessing an on-ramp that lets you discover and connect to all your desired destinations. My favorite jumping off point is the AltaVista search engine made available by Digital:

Do you love to shop? Then shop 'til you drop (out of your chair)!!! You can use AltaVista to search for:
--> "electronic mall"
or make an even more narrow search using something like:
--> +shopping +misses +suit

Perhaps you are looking for a long lost classmate? I'd suggest a free nationwide residential and business directory

The resources available for your use are endless! The problem with all this virtual traveling is that it is likely to feed your hunger for physical travel. No worries! Use the WWW prior to your trip!

You can find numerous travel agencies. I had 200 hits with an AltaVista search of:
--> +airline +"lowest fare"
I found a rather interesting airfare site.

Need directions or a map? Try the excellent mapquest atlas

While I take countless virtual vacations, within the last year I have also taken two important week-long vacations due to opportunities I discovered only while surfing the web. Perhaps you will also find the web to be as valuable as I have found it to be. It's my favorite travel tool!

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Last updated: 96/10/20