Enter your e-mail address to receive e-mail from URL Minder when this page is updated.

Changed the Website Counter on Home page.
Fixed links page, and changed the main page   to have hidden information for search engine spiders, and improve load time.   Also changed the guestbook page and main page to only show "I was here" button to visitors using Netscape Navigator.
Updated Awards Page with New Award
Increased the number of surnames from 8 to 16 on "Surname Springboard". Also changed this page's layout, so it will load faster, .
Used Microsoft FrontPage  to apply a custom theme to pages.
Added "Digging in Geogia" Webring.
Changed the look added navagation buttons with mouse over  and prepare for new features. 
Added "Add Your Own Link" button and a link to Online Message Forum to Main Page. Changed the layout of the Links pages to make it easier to find things and added a few links. The "Surname Springboard" has been updated every week since 26-May-97 and now has links to 641 pages. These pages have information on 2982 surnames.
Redone the main page to make it easier to read. The "Surname Springboard" was updated to 340 links. Added Link Exchange banners.
This site now hosts the  "Surname Springboard Index"   Rebuilt the HTML Family Tree which now has 785 families and 1785 individuals. Redone file structures since GeoPlus allows subdirectories. Added Rose's Genealogy Website award.
Added several new items to the Links & Webrings page. Since Easter is past, Lady Bandit's Easter Basket was removed from Home page. The background was changed to one which matched Genealogy theme of the site. Added URL-Minder to Links & Webrings page, added URL-Minder register forms to Home page, Links & Webrings page, Surnames page, People Page and this page.  Change the link buttons on home page. Adding ignore tags to prepare for URL Minder Register form. 
Added new Web Statistics tracker.
The HTML family tree was rebuilt using GED2HTML v3.0-beta. The new tree has graphic buttons, more information about sources and notes. You can start at people or surnames. Since I joined the GeoPlus program and have more space, I did a major update of family tree. It now has 4 generations in the pedigree charts instead of 3. There are now 1,500 individuals and 400 surnames in the tree up from 600 individuals and 150 surnames. In addtion to updated Lacy/Lacey information, the tree now contains the maternal lines. of my children (Robert and Jennifer.) Since the family tree on this site has maternal lines now, I added links to my maternal grandparents in the grandparents page. Also on the home page I added a news feed. Added genealogy sites and Webtool sites to the links page. Used Javascript to add Picture of the moment to Main page.
Removed the Christmas count down and changed it to birthday count down. Won "Genealogy Homepage" Award .Also got a Pay Pergatory Guestbook. Updated the links page.  Added a few links and added the "Genepool WebRing." Added a Picture of the 1996 family gathering to Home page. Moved Guestbook information to its own page. Added Web Tracker statistics gathering icons to Home page. Was GeoCities Cool Page of the Day, the page got over 400 hits.
Javascript code to homepage to display number of days until Christmas, What's New page,new items to Links page, Graphic Headings  and buttons created by Pixel Sight, Won "Website Excellence Award." Picture of 1927 Family reunion, Won "Michael Betz's Bunny Award for Best Web Page" Award. Won "Elite of the Web" Award.
Added Pictures of my father's brothers and sisters, and my grandparents. Won "Callie's Very Best Choice" Award.
Won "Award of ELEGANCE" Award. Switch Guestbooks from LPage to Pergatory when Lpage lost my guestbook for the second time. Added Picture of my Great Grandfather and his second wife, and my half great granduncle Henry Davis Lacy
Rebuilt the HTML version of my family tree You can access the family tree in the following ways: Index of surnames Index of persons Added  Pictureof my Great Grandfather and his first family including my Grand father. This picture is about one hundred years old
First HTML version of my family tree You can access the family tree in the following ways: Index of surnames Index of persons
Initial Page


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