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I have had the worst luck with guestbooks. First I got a guestbook with But they lost it twice in four months. So I switched to Pergatory because they claimed they would not lose guestbooks. But on 27-Nov-96 they lost all the guestbooks on their system. Since I did have a backup you can see the old guestbook. I then setup a "mailto:" form, just to mail me entries, and I could manually update a guestbook, while I decide what to do. Then my ISP has computer problems and loses mail. I have now gotten a $5 guestbook from Pergatory II. On 5-Jan-97 Pergatory II lost their guestbooks to a hacker attack.  The price has since went up to $10 and they have changed their name to Paradise.

Now in November 2000 there have been no problems with the guestbook, but Hotboards has taken over the guestbooks. Also Hotboards doesn't appear to allow the creation of new guestbooks.