
Rosemary is a perennial that reaches a height of 48 to 72 inches. It is an attractive, evergreen perennial with a spreading habit of growth. Its gray-green, needle-shaped foliage can be pruned to form a low hedge. Grow Rosemary as a pot plant in colder climates, protecting it from winter winds. It makes an attractive addition to any garden. Plant in sandy, alkaline soil and full sun. Propagation is by cuttings or by seed in spring, or by layering. Fresh or frozen leaves are used for fish, lamb, potatoes, soups, tomatoes, pork, poultry, cheeses, eggs, breads, fruit salads, and jellies. Dried leaves for facials, hair rinses, sachets, potpourris, lotions, toilet waters; fresh and dried branches for baths. Pick rosemary fresh as desired. Hang-dry or freeze the active young three to four inch growth tips.

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