Make Your Time Online Count!

If you use "Search Engines" (as we all do to find our way around the web) you might want to consider signing up for a new and different kind of search service that actually pays you a small fee to use their site.

Take a look and see what you think of
NetFlip and if you think the fee is too small to bother with, sign up anyway, and forward those tiny fees (that really do add up) to a Bible-teaching missionary on the foreign field! A few American dollars can go alot further in many countries. This is also a GREAT way for kids to have a part in giving to missions!

Please consider signing up using the links below. Any of these programs can generate a nice size gift to a mission work of your choice:

NetFlip - search engine

AllAdvantage - ad bar

Epilot - web directory

CashSurfers - ad bar


Our Goal:

To get you
and your kids involved in a simple, yet practical way
to support those who labor on the mission field.