All you who put your hope in the Lord be strong and brave.

Psalm 31:24

I commanded you to be strong and brave. So don't be afraid.

Joshua 1:9a

The Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go.

Joshua 1:9b



apple    avocado    babaco    banana    cherry

fig grape jujube kiwi lemon lime

lychee mango mulberry orange papaya

pawpaw peach pear plum

The Planet Venus

Venus is called the twin to our planet Earth because they are the same in size and mass. Even though Venus is our closet neighbor of the planets, there are many differences. A day on Venus lasts for 242 Earth days and the surface temperature is 887 degrees (F). The beautiful, thick clouds of the atmosphere cover a dry, dusty desert. It even rotates in the opposite direction than we do!

Maze Craze

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