Loving God means obeying His command-

1 John 5:3

I love your command-
ments more than the purest gold.

Psalm 119:127

You must love each other as I have loved you.

John 13:34


Biblical Cities

antioch    berea    bethany    bethel    cana

dan elim emmaus gadara hebron

jericho jerusalem kedesh lachish nain

nazereth shiloh sychar tyre ur

Elephant Facts

The elephant is one of the most unsual creatures that God made. The elephant's trunk makes him most unique. It is used not only for drinking and bathing but for smelling, breathing, feeling, and grabbing food. At the end of the trunk there is a "finger" for picking up things, such as a berry or even a branch. Elephants also use their trunk as a snorkel when crossing deep rivers. They snack on grass, fruit, leaves, branches, bark, and twigs. Because they are so large and because about 60 percent of what they eat passes through without being digested, elephants spend about 16 hours a day searching for nearly 350 pounds of food. They drink about 18 gallons of water a day and can live up to 60 years.

Maze Craze

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