Sally & Sandy

the geriatric dog page

Our girls have always been big part of our family - they've were around longer than the kids & love us all to bits... If anyone's feeling down, one of the girls will always come to the rescue! They're getting to be old ladies now, but bounce around like puppies at the thought of a walk or a car ride. They love the beach & the cabin is their idea of heaven. Grandad is just about their favourite person in the whole wide world.

We are very thankful to have discovered a new way of feeding them before it was too late! From about age 11, the girls have been eating the BARF diet & all their problems disappeared. They are active senior dogs with great fur, great skin & bright eyes - & boy they love that tripe! You can learn more about feeding dogs at a cool site called "all about raw dog food" . Some other good links are Dr. Ian Billinghurst
and B.A.R.F webring

Sally was a 14 year old purebred Australian shepherd.
At times I think she's smarter than us - definitely cuter. Sal loves to chase a ball or a stick & round up her boys
In her younger days she loved flyball!!** Sadly, Sally is no longer with us - old age finally got the better of her & the grand old lady died in the Fall of 2002- we all miss her very much

Sandy, our sweet and loving retriever was just six weeks younger than Sally. Sandy lived to the grand old age of 16.5 years!

We couldn't stay dog free for long and now have another australian shepherd named Sasha. Sasha came to us from FOTA the "Friends of the animals" rescue group. She's a fun "velcro" dog who loves balls, herding & our kids (and herding our kids) and even riding in the boat. We feel very lucky to have her.

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