Quiz for Chapter 3

Don't continue if you have not yet understand the lesson

Time: 45 min

  1. Make a program to explain circular stack work.
  2. Do the same as above for double circular list.
  3. Now, make the insert procedure that is able to insert items in the middle of the list, for circular queue.
You are a good programmer if you solve all three problems before 35 minutes.



  1. In 35 minutes, you shall have redevelop the readme program (remember last lesson's quiz), but the difference is you must use double linked list to link the lines.
  2. 2. Make a simple RPG games. Do you know Final Fantasy? Make a similar one. If you asked for the idea of the story, then mail me. Use double linked list. Make a good use of colors. Text mode can be great! :-)

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By: Roby Joehanes, © 1997, 2000
