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Below you will find some interesting places to visit here in my website.

This site was made with a webtv plus and is best viewed on a TV screen. PC users should check out this site for instructions on how to properly adjust their monitors to best view webtv made sites.

I now have a computer and I am editing this site with my computer watch for major changes. I am awaiting powerlink from my cable company and when it arrives I will be able to make time to update more pages and correct links. Thank you for your understanding and patience. I am going to be away having surgery done later this month, when I return I will do some more work on this site, as well as my other sites.

I have recently purchased a new computer from dell, and will shortly be re-doing my website as well as my wife's site at yahoo/geocities. Look forward to new pages and changes soon.

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Welfare Reform Coming Coming Coming Write Govt Agencies
Government Housing Staff of McDade Coming My Wife's Page
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Read About Me
I am proud to display the Top of The Hill Award from Capitol Hill on my page. You also can get an award from Capitol Hill or even become one of our Community Leaders.

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Before leaving I would appreciate it if you wouldsign my new bravenet guestbook. Lycos has been having problems so I switched to bravenet.

Sign or View my old guestbook below.

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Here is a list of Webrings I belong to.

PA Friends Webring

Homepage Opinions Webring

WebTV Ring Mens Division

This site was designed by Frank Lunger
Capitol Hill Community Leader since
June 1999. I used alot of Free Graphics
and to the best of my knowledge nothing
On this site is copyrighted.

�Frank Lunger 2004