Italian Navy

UnOfficial Homepage

Patria e Onore
Country and Honor

This is dedicated to the brave Italian Seamen who never returned
and whose name will never die.

Versione italiana�

History of Italian Navy

World War I �
World War II�
Heroes of Italian Navy

Italian Navy Today

The Fleet
The San Marco Marines
The Naval Aviation
The ComSubIn
The Livorno Naval Academy

Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Militare alla Bandiera della Marina Militare

Motivazione: "Per l'eroico comportamento della sua gente, per il glorioso sacrificio delle sue navi e dei suoi uomini migliori, strenuamente impiegati in lunga, asperrima lotta contro agguerrito, preponderante avversario."
Zona di operazioni - 19 novembre 1949.

Gold Medal for Military Valour to the Flag of Italian Navy

Motivation: "For the heroic behaviour of her people, for the glorious sacrifice of her best ships and men, strenuously engaged on a long, rough fight against a hard, predominant opponent."
Operation Zone - November 19, 1949

(the Gold Medal for Military Valour is the highest Italian medal like the British Victoria Cross or the American Congressional Medal of Honor).

The insignia

The former Royal Insignia of Savoy Kings was replaced, since November 9, 1947, by this one that represents the four ancient Italian maritime republics Venice, Genoa, Amalfi and Pisa it is surmounted by the "Corona Rostrata" the Republican Crown with rostrums. The insignia is put in the middle of the national flag and it differs from the one of the Italian merchant Navy because it has the Corona Rostrata and the S.Marco lion has the book closed, a sword in the hand and the tail raised up.
You may also visit the Marina Militare - Italian Navy Official Site

The Seaman Prayer
by A.Fogazzaro

The Seaman Prayer is read on every Italian Navy ship during navigation at sunset when the flag is lowered. This is an old tradition coming from the 19th century. Usually the reader is the youngest officer on board.

A Te, o grande eterno Iddio, Signore del Cielo e dell'Abisso,
cui obbediscono i venti e le onde, noi, uomini di mare e di guerra,
Ufficiali e Marinai d'Italia, da questa sacra nave armata dalla Patria
leviamo i cuori!
Salva ed esalta, nella Tua Fede, o gran Dio, la nostra Nazione.
D� giusta gloria e potenza alla nostra Bandiera,
comanda che le tempeste ed i flutti servano a lei;
poni sul nemico il terrore di lei;
fa che per sempre la cingano in difesa petti di ferro,
pi� forte del ferro che cinge questa nave:
a lei per sempre dona vittoria.
Benedici, o Signore, le nostre case lontane, le care genti.
Benedici nella cadente notte il Riposo del Popolo,
benedici noi che, per esso,
vegliamo in armi sul mare.

To you, O great eternal God, Lord of the Sky and the Abyss,
to whom winds and waves obey,
We, men of sea and war,
Seamen and Officers of Italy, from this sacred ship, armed by the Country,
raise our hearts!
Save and praise, in your faith, O great God, our Country,
Give right glory and power to our flag.
Let storms and swells serve her; lay terror of her upon the foes,
let chests of iron, stronger than the iron that girds this ship, protect her forever:
forever grant her victory.
Bless, O God, our distant homes, the beloved kin.
Bless, in the upcoming night, people's rest.
Bless us who, in arms, watch over for them at sea.

News! The Italian government has decided to start the building of new cruiser-carrier as the future Italian Navy flagship. She will be similar to the Garibaldi, but bigger, for around 20.000 tons, with 20 Harriers and 10 medium helicopters.
Her name: LUIGI EINAUDI (the first president of the Italian Republic)!

Links of allied and friend Navies

Royal Australian Navy (official)
Royal Australian Navy (unofficial)
British Royal navy (official)
British Royal Navy (UnOfficial)
Canadian Navy
Canadian Navy (unofficial)
Canadian Navy (unofficial)
Finnish Navy
French Navy
German Navy
Irish Navy
Japanese Navy
Royal New Zealand Navy
Polish Navy
Portuguese Navy
Spanish Navy
Swedish Navy
US Navy

Other interesting links
Trotskys Weapons Platform HomePage
Italian Air ForceThe official site of Italian Aiforce
Folgore!The site of Italian paratroopers
WW2 keeping the memory alive Interesting historical site
British WW2 Very rich and complete site about Britain at war
Duane's Militaria Page For those who love militaria

Sign My GuestbookGuestbook by Lpage View My Guestbook

- Fucilate gli Ammiragli, G.Rocca, Mondadori.
- Il Battaglione San Marco, M.Amatimaggio, Italia Editrice.
- Le grandi battaglie navali del XX secolo, A.Rastelli, Mondadori.
- La Marina Militare Italiana, M.Cosentino, R.Staglini, Edai.
- Regia Marina, Joe Barone [email protected].
Thanks to Luca Forcieri for helping me in checking english mistakes out and to Michael French for providing me informations about Hms Upholder.!

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