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Discovering America As It Is
by Valdas Anelauskas
This important new book raises serious questions not only concerning America's role as a leading model for development, but even as to its future viability as a society and competitiveness due to the deterioration in the well-being of the American people resulting from antisocial domestic and foreign policies.

"This is an extraordinary book, especially startling not because it is a diligently researched and scathing critique of contemporary America, but because it is written by a Soviet dissident who arrived here with great expectations and discovered a sobering reality. The scope of the book is breathtaking, a sweeping survey, factually precise and philosophically provocative , which deserves to be compared to de Tocqueville's 19th century classic. I hope it will be widely read."
Howard Zinn, Professor Emeritus, Boston University, author of A People's History of the United States


A People's History of the United States:

by Howard Zinn
688 pages, Revised & Updated edition
This is the classic. A real eye-opener, If you have not read it, you can't even begin to know your real American history.

A "brilliant and moving history of the American people from the point of view of those who have been exploited politically and economically and whose plight has been largely omitted from most histories." (Library Journal)

I personally find that is goes a little weak on its treatment of the role of "reds" in the rise of the American Labor Movement, especially in the 1930's, but it is a terrific eye-opener about the real profoundly conflicted class nature of our history. Slaves and Native Americans in joint rebellion? Uprisings against the American rich by the exploited during the Revolutionary War? The hidden history - our history - of the US from the earliest times to the very recent past. Extremely well-documented and readable.
Fabulous, Fascinating, and Unique. Read it - or remain ignorant! --risephoenix


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The Politics of Heroin:
CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade

by Alfred W. McCoy
Folks, it is not a myth. The CIA has been up to its ears in illegal drug operations since its very earliest days. Professor McCoy's book is the definitive, well-researched and documented work on the subject.
If you want to know truth about this subject, this is the book to get.


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Who's Who of the Elite:
Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Skull & Bones Society

by Robert Gaylon Ross

Paperback Revised edition (January 1996)
A real Who's Who of the people behind world government. If you see a name in the media, check this source first to see what thier true agenda is! Written by an ex-intelligence officer based on years of research. Makes finding out the real agenda of the players in the media really easy.


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About the Author:
Paco Ignacio Taibo II is the winner of seven international fiction prizes, including the coveted Mortiz-Planeta Award, for his crime and historical novels, and for his mainstream fiction. He lives in Mexico City with his wife and daughter.


Guevara, Also Known As Che
by Paco Ignacio Taibo II

Paperback - (August 1999) 704 pages
In what PUBLISHERS WEEKLY hails as a "gripping" biography, acclaimed Mexican novelist and historian Paco Ignacio Taibo II has captured the life and character of the mythic Latin-American revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
Guevara, a symbol of radical egalitarianism and the war against social injustice of the late twentieth century, was gunned down in the jungles of South-Eastern Bolivia in 1967 by the Bolivian military under direct order of the CIA. In the thirty years since he died, the fascination with Che and with his independent and creative development of guerilla Marxism has become increasingly focused.
Taibo's extensive contacts as a Latin American political activist gave him access to Cuban archives and to insiders who fought alongside Che in Mexico, Cuba, Africa, and South America, as well as a previously unknown manuscript written by Guevara himself. He combines the discipline of the historian and the skill of a novelist to transform the legend to man and then bring the man to vivid life.

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Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom
by Doug Henwood
372 pages (June 1997)
With compelling clarity, Henwood dissects the world's greatest financial center, laying open the Intricacies of how, and for whom, the market works. The Wall Street which emerges is not a pretty sight. Hidden from public view, the markets are poorly regulated, badly managed, chronically myopic and often corrupt. And though, as Henwood reveals, their activity contributes almost nothing to the real economy where goods are made and jobs created, they nevertheless wield enormous power. With over a trillion dollars a day crossing the wires between the world's banks, Wall Street and its sister financial centers don't just influence government, effectively they are the government.

America Besieged
by Michael Parenti
America Besieged deals with the underlying forces within U.S. society that deeply affect our lives. Showing how we are being misled and harmed by those who profess to have our interests at heart, Michael Parenti writes: "We are indeed a nation besieged, not from without but from within, not subverted from below but from above. This book invites the reader to stop blaming the powerless and poor and, in that good old American phrase, start 'following the money.' That is the first and most important step toward lifting the siege and bringing democracy back to life."


Live from Death Row
by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mumia, prominent American political prisoner, Peabody Award-winning radio reporter and journalist, was framed and convicted of murder in Philadelphia, the so-called "City of Brotherly Love." As I write this, he is now awaiting imminent execution at the hands of the state and may, by the time you read this, have been the victim of a state sponsored frame-up and state murder. He presents a scathing account of the brutalities and humiliations of prison life while criticizing the racism and political bias in the American judicial system.
Death Blossoms: Reflections from a Prisoner of Conscience
by Mumia Abu-Jamal
Review From Booklist , February 15, 1997:
Abu-Jamal has been on death row for 15 years for a crime many believe he did not commit. A well-respected African American journalist, Abu-Jamal followed a lifelong quest for meaning and enlightenment, which inspired him to join the Black Panther Party as a young man and later John Africa's community, MOVE, alignments that put him in clear opposition to the powers-that-be, a stance he firmly retains. Refusing to be silenced by his incarceration and impending execution, Abu-Jamal has defied the authorities to write Live from Death Row (1995), which has sold 80,000 copies, and now this collection of vigorous social critiques and moving essays on matters of faith. Like so many other oppressed writers-of-conscience, Abu-Jamal has been rewarded for suffering the torment of exile and isolation, vilification and a sentence of death with the grace of a genuine spiritual awakening, and the flame of his keen intellect and irrepressible soul burns brightly, illuminating each mind that opens to his wise words.
--Donna Seaman Copyright© 1997, American Library Association.

The Black Panthers Speak
by Philip S. Foner
The first and only collection of the most vital, representative writings of the party, this book explains the Black Panther Party's court battles and acquittals, its position on black separatism, the power structure, the police, violence, and education, what the Party stood for, and what issues they confronted--almost all of which remain unresolved today.



Guerrilla Warfare (Latin American Silhouettes Series)
by Che Guevara, with Brian Loveman (Introduction)
This is more than a mere translation of Che Guevara's handbook on guerrilla war. It also includes two of his later pieces, Guerrilla Warfare: A Method and Message to the Tricontinental, which are nestled between an informative and well-developed introduction and essays describing the struggles in seven South American countries.

A reader's remarks: This book gives us the manual needed for revolution. Che hits home with his candid ideas about guerrilla warfare. The case studies that the editors added to this version help to show that the conditions that Che spoke about in Latin America 40 years ago, still exist and that the time for another revolution could be near.

Che in Africa:
Che Guevara's Congo Diary

by William Galvez (Editor),
NEW and in Paperback - 350 pages (October 1998)




Fighting in the Streets:
A Manual of Urban Guerilla Warfare

by Urbano
Paperback (April 1992) Barricade Books

1968: Marching in the Streets
by Tariq Ali
The year that revolution swept the planet. With present tense prose, cartoons, and photographs, Tariq Ali (who was one of the founding editors of Black Dwarf, a London-based journal that pops up frequently in 1968) and Susan Watkins chronicle a year that saw everything from the assassinations of Che Guevara, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. to KKK death threats against 70-year-old philosopher Herbert Marcuse. The Black Panthers, the street riots in paris, the revolutionary spirit in Czechoslovakia ... all this and more is vividly recreated with a nonjudgmental voice that allows events to speak for themselves.

Autobiography of 'Big Bill,' Haywood
by W. Haywood
A fabulous book by one of the most fabulous labor leaders in American history. Recounts the intense struggles of the Western Federation of Miners and the early IWW.
Ten Days That Shook the World
by John Reed
This American socialist journalist was on the scene when the Bolshevik Revolution succeeded in Russia. Amazing "live" reporting of one of the century's and the international working classes' greatest events. A true Classic.
from a reader's review:
A classic study of the Bolshevik Revolution in October/November, 1917 in Russia. Truly an excellent vision of the struggles that workers faced at the time from the inherently oppressive capitalist and feudal capitalist system. A blueprint for today's communists which demonstrates the urgent need to smash the capitalist state and to dispose of private property. The fascists will hate this book as it shows an example of their inevitable demise through their own self-interest.
Audio Cassette Cassette edition (June 1982) Cassette Works Audio; ISBN: 0899261531

The Sot-Weed Factor
by John Barth
This is a wonderful and frequently hysterically funny fictional complement to Zinn's People's History cited above. Adventures and misadventure in Colonial America, this is an irreverent parody of the historical novel by one of the most brilliant and accomplished writers in America today.


Labor's Untold Story
by Richard Boyer & Herbert Morais
One of the great histories of labor in the US.
. . . . published by United Electrical Workers




by Jeremy Brecher &Manning Marable (Editor)
Revised edition (October 1997)
"A magnificent book. I hope it will take its place a the standard history of American labor."
. . . . Staughton Lynd



Organizing to Win:
New Research on Union Strategies

by Kate Bronfenbrenner (Editor), Sheldon Friedman (Editor), Richard W. Hurd, Ronald L. Seeber (Editor)
368 pages (January 1998)





Workers in a Lean World:
Unions in the International Economy

by Kim Moody
Paperback - 342 pages (October 1997)


An Injury to All:
The Decline of American Unionism

by Kim Moody
Paperback (September 1988)







Beyond Capital:
Toward a Theory of Transition

by Istvan Meszaros
Paperback (October 1995)
A stupendous effort to both go "beyond" Marx's Capital, that is to update it, and also to discover how to take us beyond the bonds of capital, ie. capitalism, as it has evolved today.
Wide ranging and sometimes maddeningly difficult, this important work is packed with great insight about what has gone wrong in our movements in the past and how to move forward to a humane society that will no-longer be based on the demands of capital. It should not be missed by those who want to learn from our difficult history and to find new ways forward that are solidly based on what has gone before.



by Beth Sims
The AFL helped the CIA to overthrow the democratically elected Arbenz regime in Guatemala in 1954. Through its AIFLD (American Institute for Free Labor Development), the AFL-CIO helped to overthrow democratically elected regimes in Brazil in 1964 and that of Allende in Chile in 1973.
This treachery has been strongly documented by Beth Sims in her excellent 1992 book. She also cites involvement with the CIA in destabilization efforts in the Dominican Republic and Guyana.

The Labour Movement:
Penetration Point for U.S. Intelligence and Transnationals

by Fred Hirsch
Details the lengths to which American Transnational Corporations have gone to control worker activism internationally. It was written in 1977 and documents the AFL/CIO's leadership in the efforts to crush any challenge to interests of the bosses that might come from Latin American unions. What is most impressive about the AFL/CIO's efforts is the shear size of the program, which trained 240,000+ people and the close relationship to American Transnationals and the CIA.

U.S. Labor and the Vietnam War
by Philip S. Foner
Foner is one of the few great leftist historians of our times. This book should be very revealing and full of very interesting material.
. . . from International Publishers

An American Company:
The Tragedy of United Fruit

by Thomas P. McCann


The CIA in Guatemala
by Richard H. Immerman

The Invisible Government
by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross
The first anti-CIA book, it appeared in 1964. CIA director John McCone, and other officials acting under his direction, contacted the publisher in an effort to stop it.


The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence
by Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks
Another great early classic that CIA tried to suppress.

Inside the Company: CIA Diary
by Philip Agee
Agee has, for years, been one of the bravest and most stalwart among the few that dare to expose the truth of CIA's operations, methods, and goals.



The Phoenix Program
by Douglas Valentine
Death Squads in Vietnam, in South and Central America? There were domestic aspects of this murderous CIA program too.

Covert Network:
Progressives, the International Rescue Committee, and the CIA

by Eric Thomas Chester

Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939-1961
by Robin W. Winks
Yale, of course, is thick with CIA connections.


Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD, and the Sixties Rebellion
by Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain
The CIA was of course involved with LSD testing, but there is also evidence that it was later involved in the distribution of LSD within the 60's and 70's counterculture.

The Strawberry Statement:
Notes of a College Revolutionary

by James Simon Kunen
Inside the rebellion


The Chomsky Trilogy: Secrets, Lies and Democracy/the Prosperous Few and the Restless Many/What Uncle Sam Really Wants
by Noam Chomsky
In these fact-filled, illusion-shattering masterpieces, the man the "New York Times" called "arguably the most important intellectual alive," explains why "what the public wants is called 'politically unrealistic.' Translated into English, that means power and privilege are opposed to it."
Normally somewhat difficult to read, Chomsky is at his most accessible in his speeches and interviews, and that's what these books are compiled from.
Here are some examples of what he has to tell you:
In 1970, about 90% of international capital was used for trade and long-term investment-more or less productive things--and 10% reserved for speculation.
By 1990, those figures were reversed. Haiti, a starving island, is exporting food to the U.S.--about 35 times as much under Clinton as under Bush.

The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management

by Holly Sklar, ed.
Everything about this organization of the international ruling elite, set up by David Rockefeller.
Includes, along with much more:
Laurence H. Shoup, "Jimmy Carter and the Trilateralists: Presidential Roots"; Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter, "Shaping a New World Order: The Council on Foreign Relations' Blueprint for World Hegemony, 1939-1945."
The Jimmy Carter story is depressing. Hamilton Jordan reportedly said, "If, after the inauguration you find Cy Vance as secretary of state and Zbigniew Brzezinski as head of national security, then I would say that we failed." That's exactly what happened, and seventeen other key members of the administration were also Trilateralists. For his entire administration, every move on foreign policy was cleared with the hard-liner Brzezinski.

The Shadows of Power:
The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline

by James Perloff
The ruling class and its government behind the curtain of deceit.


Who's Who of the Elite : Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Skull & Bones Society
by Robert Gaylon Ross
Paperback Revised edition (January 1996)

American Hegemony
and the Trilateral Commission

by Stephen Gill
One of the only left perspectives on Trilateralism, it is written by a Canadian professor. He took the trouble to interview 100 Trilateral Commission members.
Tragedy and Hope
by Quigley Carroll
Carroll Quigley was a kind of "in-house," establishment conspiracy historian who reputedly had a great influence on Bill Clinton. Most of his conspiracy research concerned the role of the Rhodes-Milner Round Table Groups in Britain from 1891 through World War II. Serious researchers can hardly afford to pass over Quigley's significance. Certainly he is no streetcorner agitator, whether of the right or left. But his understated critique of his elite colleagues is nevertheless a searching one.
Anglo American Establishment
by Quigley Carroll
A detailed look at the Cecil Rhodes - Oxford - Alfred (Lord) Milner - Round Table nexus. While endorsing this elite's high-minded internationalist goals, Quigley wrote that he "cannot agree with them on methods," and added that he found the antidemocratic implications of their inherited wealth and power "terrifying."
The Yankee and Cowboy War
by Carl Oglesby
Experience convinced Oglesby that the ruling class was at war with itself, and he developed his Yankee-Cowboy theory concerning divisions in the ruling class and how they manifest themselves.
. . . . from the book:
"The arguments for a conspiracy theory are indeed often dismissed on the grounds that no one conspiracy could possibly control everything. But that is not what this theory sets out to show. . . . The implicit claim, on the contrary, is that a multitude of conspiracies contend in the night. Clandestinism is not the usage of a handful of rogues, it is a formalized practice of an entire class in which a thousand hands spontaneously join. Conspiracy is the normal continuation of normal politics by normal means."

New World Order:
The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies

by William T. Still
This book charges that a military takeover of the U.S. was considered by some in the administration of one our recent presidents and that the forces behind it remain in secret positions of power, maneuvering for another opportunity.


The Chairman:
John J. McCloy, The Making of the American Establishment

by Kai Bird

Partners in Power,
The Clintons and Their America

Roger Morris
A biography of the Clintons that is not a fawning propaganda piece nor one of the many products of the dirty Republican Party machine, this explosive book made the bestseller list for several weeks during the summer of 1996. Along with much more, it confirms a story that was rumored since 1992 that the CIA recruited Bill Clinton when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford.
New Release for 1999
  The Pied Piper:
Allard K. Lowenstein and the Liberal Dream

by Richard Cummings
Feminist leader Gloria Steinem and congressman Allard Lowenstein both had major CIA connections. Lowenstein was president of the National Student Association, which was funded by the CIA until exposed by Ramparts magazine in 1967. He and another NSA officer, Sam Brown, were key organizers behind the 1969 Vietnam Moratorium.
Breaking the News: How the Media Undermine American Democracy
by James Fallows
Challenges American journalism at it weakest point: the corrupting influence of fame and fortune. Formerly of Atlantic Monthly, Fallows argues in his book that his profession has become seriously compromised.


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