Ezines and Mailing Lists

AANEWS is a free service from American Atheists, a nationwide movement founded by Madalyn Murray O'Hair for the advancement of Atheism, and the total, absolute separation of government and religion. For information on American Atheists, send mail to [email protected] and include your name and postal mailing address. You may forward, post or quote from this dispatch, provided that appropriate credit is given to aanews and American Atheists. For subscribe/unsubscribe information, send mail to [email protected] and put "info aanews" (minus the quotation marks, please) in the message body. Edited and written by Conrad F. Goeringer, The LISTMASTER ([email protected]). Internet Representative for American Atheists is Margie Wait, [email protected].
AGITPROP NEWS covers a range of activities and issues, but tends to be announcements of political developments, national and international, of concern to artists and other known trouble makers. AGITPROP NEWS comes in digest form about once per week. It contains entertaining and informative contributions from activists around the world. It is distributed internationally. To subscribe, simply reply to this message with "subscribe"
Anarchives via email send a note to [email protected] with the message in the body: subscribe anarchives To get off the list, send to the same address but write: unsubscribe anarchives http://www.tao.ca/thunder/anarchives.html TAO Communications - P.O. Box 108 Station P Toronto Ontario Canada M5S 2S8
Dr. Webster's Amazing Free Stuff Newsletter is a comprehensive round-up of the latest hottest freebie offers on the Web. We review the latest essential freeware, free services, free product samples and much more. To subscribe, just put the word SUBSCRIBE in the BODY of an email to: [email protected] Or visit our site at: http://www.123go.com/drw/webs/freestuff.htm
Catt's Claws Is a great feminist newsletter which will be emailed up to three times a week. To receive Catt's Claws by email, write [email protected] and in the body of the note subscribe Catts-Claws
Britcomedy Digest (ISSN 1077-6680) is a free electronic newsletter posted monthly to alt.comedy.british and rec.arts.tv.uk.comedy. DELPHI: In the "UK-American Connexion" forum, cf 171. GENIE: In the "Showbiz" roundtable, page 185. SUBSCRIPTIONS: To receive an issue every month, just send an e-mail to: [email protected] with the following text in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE BCDIGEST-L firstname_lastname, replacing "firstname_lastname" with your own name. Example: SUBSCRIBE BCDIGEST-L Stephen Fry BACK ISSUES: ============ WWW: The web version of "Britcomedy Digest," maintained by James Kew, can be found at http://www.prairienet.org/britcom/BD FTP: Log on as "anonymous," giving your e-mail account as your password. ftp://ftp.etext.org/pub/Zines/BritComedy ftp://ftp.cathouse.org/pub/cathouse/british.humour/britcomedy.digest This list is now being archived by Reference.COM. Searchable archives are available at: http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin2/pn/[email protected]

ENODE :  to loose, untie a knot; to solve a riddle.

E-NODE is a free monthly newsletter about the Internet and society. To
subscribe to E-NODE, send the following email to
[email protected]:

        subscribe e-node

You can obtain back issues of E-NODE by visiting our web site, which is
at http://www.igc.org/e-node/.

E-NODE is brought to you by Progressive Communications, a policy research
and computer consulting firm.

  regularly by e-mail for no charge, send e-mail
  to [email protected] with the message: "subscribe this-is-true"
  (without quotes) -- please: nothing else on the line. To UNSUBSCRIBE
  or for HELP subscribing, e-mail [email protected] for
  human assistance. Our web site: http://www.freecom.com/. Comments
  are welcome: e-mail  or write Freelance
  Communications, PO Box 17326, Boulder CO 80308-0326 USA, or Fax 303
  742-8074. "This is True" is a trademark of Freelance Communications,
  a proud member of the Skeptic Society http://www.skeptic.com/.

Interesting An Interesting ezine also available in a print edition. To subscribe email [email protected] and in body of message type subscribe followed by your email address.
Internet ScamBusters To UNSUBSCRIBE from Internet ScamBusters, send an e-mail to: [email protected] and write "unsubscribe" in the subject field. To SUBSCRIBE to Internet ScamBusters, send an e-mail to: [email protected] and write "subscribe" in the subject field. The disclaimer located at http://www.scambusters.com/disclaimer.html applies to this zine.
Ovi's World of the Bizarre is published weekly To SUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message to: [email protected] Leave subject and body blank. To UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail message to: [email protected] Leave subject and body blank. To subscribe and/or unsubscribe directly from the WEB, go to: http://www.ovis.com/subscrib.htm
:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: S.I.S.I.S. Settlers In Support of Indigenous Sovereignty P.O. Box 8673, Victoria, "B.C." "Canada" V8X 3S2 EMAIL : WWW: http://kafka.uvic.ca/~vipirg/SISIS/SISmain.html SOVERNET-L is a news-only listserv concerned with indigenous sovereigntist struggles around the world. To subscribe, send "subscribe sovernet-l" in the body of an email message to For more information on sovernet-l, contact S.I.S.I.S. :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY Environmental Research Foundation P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD 21403 Fax (410) 263-8944; Internet: [email protected] ========== . Back issues available by E-mail; to get instructions, send E-mail to [email protected] with the single word HELP in the message; back issues also available via ftp from ftp.std.com/periodicals/rachel and from gopher.std.com and from http://www.monitor.net/rachel/ . Subscribe: send E-mail to [email protected] with the single word SUBSCRIBE in the message. It's free.

NEWSWATCH is available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.ben2.ucla.edu/~jsexton/NewsWatch For a subscription to NEWSWATCH in text form via e-mail, write to: [email protected]
Fourth International's Press Mailing list If you would like to add your name to the Fourth International's Press Mailing list, then e-mail [email protected] with the following text in the body of your message "subscribe fi-press-l" and then your own e-mail address. If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, then send e-mail to [email protected] with the following text in the body of your email message: "unsubscribe fi-press-l" and then your own e-mail address.
FOCUS ON THE CORPORATION Corp-Focus is a moderated listserve which distributes the weekly column "Focus on the Corporation," co-authored by Russell Mokhiber, editor of Corporate Crime Reporter, and Robert Weissman, editor of Multinational Monitor magazine. To subscribe to Corp-Focus, send an e-mail message to [email protected] with the following all in one line: subscribe corp-focus Focus on the Corporation scrutinizes the multinational corporation -- the most powerful institution of our time. Once a week, it reports and comments critically on corporate actions, plans, abuses and trends. Written with a sharp edge and occasional irreverency, Focus on the Corporation covers: * The double standards which excuse corporations for behavior (e.g., causing injury, accepting welfare) widely considered criminal or shameful when done by individuals; * Globalization and corporate power; * Trends in corporate economic blackmail, political influence and workplace organization; * Industry-wide efforts to escape regulation, silence critics, employ new technologies or consolidate business among a few companies; * Specific, extreme examples of corporate abuses: destruction of communities, trampling of democracy, poisoning of air and water; * Issues, such as tort reform, of across-the-board interest to business; and * The corporatization of our culture.
MAI-NOT-MAI send mail to "[email protected]" with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe mai-not-mail
The Micro$oft Monitor The Micro$oft Monitor is a free electronic newsletter, published as part of the Consumer Choice Campaign http://www.netaction.org/msoft/ccc.html. NetAction is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public, policy makers, and the media about technology-based social and political issues, and to teaching activists how to use the Internet for organizing, outreach, and advocacy. To subscribe to The Micro$oft Monitor, write to: [email protected]. The body of the message should state: subscribe monitor. To unsubscribe at any time, send a message to: [email protected]. The body of the message should state: unsubscribe monitor
Media Beat Norman Solomon's weekly column e-mail list for Media Beat ("Subscribe column" to [email protected]
People's Tribune For free electronic subscription, email: [email protected] with the word "subscribe" in the subject.
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