St. Louis

This web-page is a creation of the IWW St. Louis branch, and does not reflect the views of the IWW as a whole. While there are differences of opinions even within the Union, we all have one central enemy: Capitali$m! The links on this page are here to promote the struggle of the working class and thier plight to bring peace and tranquility to the world. Solidarity Forever!!!
Read our disclaimer from our GST concerning this issue.

Do you have a link in mind that you believe belongs here? Do we have a link already on here that's down? Any other suggestions? Send email to: St. Louis IWW GMB and put "St. Louis IWW links page" in 'subject' area. Thanks and Solidarity.

This links page is divided up into the following sections. Just click on one of them to jump directly down the page:

Anarchist, Socialist, Communist related sites
Animal Rights
Food Not Bombs
Gay and Lesbian Sites
Government Services
Human Rights
Labor Humor
Prisoner Support
Second and Third World Liberation Movements
Trade Unions/Syndicalism

Anarchists, Socialists, Communists, and other Labor Resources!

Because Capitali$m cannot be reformed...

Animal Rights

Teach respect for Life.


Protect mother earth.

Food Not Bombs

"We are one of the fastest growing grassroots political groups in North America. There are over 70 autonomous chapters protesting militarism and poverty by serving free vegetarian food to people in need and in support of on-going political organizing efforts. We believe that society and government should value human life over material wealth."

Gay and Lesbian Sites

Government Services

"to you, the toilers, who have made this land, and have no voice in its councils..." - The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Human Rights

Labor Humor

Labor Humor - places to go to relieve yourself from the hum-drum of "the daily grind".

Prisoner Support

Because all prisoners are political prisoners...

Second and Third World Liberation Movements

An Injury To One Is An Injury To All

Trade Unions/Syndicalism

Workers of the World, Relax!


Because knowledge IS power...

Return to Home page
The last link added to this page was added: 23 June 1998 1