How Law Enforcement can reach out to the Communities we serve

We have made the choice to serve our communities as a Law Enforcement officer. There are literally hundreds of small things we can do everyday that will make a major difference in our relationships with the people we serve.

It is important that we remember that just because we are wearing the badge, we are NO better than the people we deal with. Everyone, including us, makes mistakes in life, and how we deal with someone may make the difference between rehabilitation and recidivism. Show me a policeman with a compassionate heart and I'll show you a SUCCESSFUL COP. It doesn't matter if we arrest 100 badguys a day, if we lack compassion, we have not fulfilled our oath of office. Have you ever voluntarily done something nice for someone, including someone you have arrested. Try it. People will RESPECT you when you respect them. You will fast realize that when someone respects you and looks up to you, they will be much more willing to give you information, statements, and assistance. You will find that if you treat inmates with respect, occasionally taking an extra minute to do something nice for them even when they don't deserve it, they will fast become a wealthy source of information and assistance. Inmates who are extremely hard to handle will soon become less aggressive and more willing to follow orders. Again, it is important to remember that just because they are in jail doesn't mean that we are a better person than them. God created all men equal. DON'T TAKE ME WRONG, IF A PERSON COMMITS A CRIME THEY SHOULD SERVE THIER TIME IN JAIL. BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY SHOULD BE MISTREATED. I AM NOT SOFT TOWARDS INMATES AND BELIEVE IN A STRICT POLICY OF ORDER, BUT ORDER AND JUSTICE MUST BE BALANCED WITH HUMANITY.
Compassion should also be a part of our service to the public. A helping hand is a key element of Law Enforcement. Small deeds of service promote good relationships in the community. Stopping by to check on a business owner, helping a child fix his bicycle tire, or simply stopping when you see residents in thier yards to say hello or check on neighborhood problems all build bonds which will pay off many times both on and off the job.
Constant, Informative, and Personal communication with the public develops strong bonds between Law Enforcement and the Community it serves.

PLEASE VISIT THIS SITE. Denny Perry is a brother Officer and has the ABSOLUTE BEST site I have ever seen on the internet. I promise you, if you visit this site, you will be a better officer and person.

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