What Anarchists Say about An Anarchist FAQ

"At long last An Anarchist Frequently Asked Questions (AFAQ) has moved from the Internet onto the printed page . . . it is likely to be the primary source anarchists turn too for information about anarchist theory and history . . . . It is accessible, not laden with jargon but also built on ten years and more of solid research . . . The structure of the book is such that it is easy to dip into . . . this [is a] comprehensive resource. The prefix to the book is 'An' Anarchist FAQ. The collective is too modest. This is the place to go to find out about anarchist ides, theory and practice. It is accessible and based on sound research. Thoroughly recommended." (Richard Griffin, Freedom).

"the primary source of information about anarchism on the world wide web . . . a foundation stone for laying down the idea of anarchism as the viable alternative that we should work towards achieving." ("Workers Solidarity", Workers Solidarity Movement)

"this invaluable resource is highly recommended for anyone wishing to delve further or gain a better understanding of anarchism as a practice, living, socially relevant ideology." ("Direct Action", Solidarity Federation)

"The anarchist FAQ has been one of the standout achievements of the last decade in terms of its rigorous treatment of every aspect of the theory. Its translation from screen to print is long overdue." (Freedom)

"the most comprehensive resource available . . . for a discussion on anarchism is An Anarchist FAQ" (Flint Jones, NEFAC)

"The Anarchist FAQ collective are to be congratulated on producing this excellent book. Always intended to be used by anarchists as an organising tool, the FAQ will also be useful to newcomers to anarchism and to those who already think of themselves as anarchists, but who would like to deepen their understanding of anarchist politics. The FAQ format makes it really easy to dip into in order to find answers to all those questions that anarchists are often asked by sceptics and critics (of right and left) as well as by other activists who are sympathetic but just don't know much about anarchism, or have been influenced by the many misrepresentations of anarchism put about by Leninists and the capitalist media. So The Anarchist FAQ succeeds in being a very accessible introduction to anarchism, whilst being at the same time detailed, wide-ranging, properly researched and authoritative. Highly recommended!" (David Berry author of A History of the French Anarchist Movement, 1917-1945)

"Thanks for a fabulous job on this. What an amazing project! . . . All best wishes to all of you, and again, congratulations on a excellent work." (Mark Leier, author of Bakunin: The Creative Passion)

"monumental and essential FAQ dedicated to anarchism" (Norman Baillargeon, L'order moins le pouvoir: Histoire et actualité de l'anarchisme)

"The Anarchist FAQ should be one of the first stops for anyone studying anarchism. It's an extensive compilation of material, painstakingly indexed, of anarchist history, theory and practice. Just tracing the tantalising block quotes to their original sources, via the amazing bibliography--which alone is worth the price of the book--will take you a long way toward an education on any of the subject headings. On a personal note, I benefited greatly from stumbling across the FAQ near the beginning of my own journey into anarchism." (Kevin Carson author of Studies in Mutualist Political Economy)

""Found it very detailed and informative and I'm sure it will prove to be an excellent reference book for those interested in the subject and for those who wish to defend anarchism." (John Couzin, anarchist from Glasgow)