Reunion/Heard Islands

March 27, 1997

Well, much of the hub-bub is over and the cards are out for both St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks and Heard Island. P and P was only new for me on CW so that was a goodie. I think Tino and Karl did super work putting on a show with minimum fuss and have earned my accolades for doing it.

On the 15th I worked Heard Island with 2 calls on 20 meter SSB,I went upstairs to celebrate and got a phone call about a death in the family. There was no chance to try for any other contact. I would give a lot to have been able to get them on RTTY but it was not meant to be this time. I have received my card and it is a beaut. Multi-color, bifold, photos... the whole magilla. I gotta get in touch with KK6EK and find out if the Penquin on the cover was captured waddling around or was he keeping time to some inner drummer. He has one foot off the ground and that seems strange. Great photo, though.

My FR5DX cards came on the 14th of March and that was a fine thing. A yellow card on unfinished card stock, no graphics, no comment, just confirmation that FR5DX and KF2XF had a QSO which is all I need and all the DXCC desk wants. Then on the 20th comes the PY0SG CW confirmation and on the 25th I got VK0IR. It IS a fine hobby and I love it!