Best of the Web Award HTML

If your page wins a BEST OF THE WEB award you should cut and paste the following HTML into your page. The MLCRG reserves the right to change the appearance of the award and asks that you use this code instead of downloading the award. You can center the award if you like!

<!---- Masonic Leadership Center Research Group BEST OF THE WEB code ----->
<p><a href="/server2/homestead/CapeCanaveral/2903/" target=_blank>
<img src="/homestead/CapeCanaveral/2903/mlcrgawd.gif" alt="Best of the web award" height=182 width=155 border=0></a>
<br><font size=2>Masonic Leadership Center
<br>Research Group
<br>Web Award</font>
<!------end of MLCRG code ---->

©1997 Masonic Leadership Center Research Group