Annotated Aviation Bibliography


The purpose of this bibliography is to review books that focus on the aerial campaigns of the Second World War from the Axis point of view or on the Axis participants of those campaigns. The European neutrals are also covered. General histories are not covered herein unless substantial and detailed coverage is given on a campaign or Axis participant. Readers should note that my less than fluent German prevents me from giving complete reviews of titles in that language; I evaluate them in terms of the information that I can extract that is of interest to me. This primarily relates to equipment, organization, locations and areas of operations.

The reader should also be aware that I may have misclassified a number of books that I actually haven't seen based on cataloging information. Similarly, only books that have focused on the Luftwaffe's response to the Allied stategic bombing campaign are included rather than the memoirs of Allied aircrew flying over Germany or general works about the strategic bombing campaign. Suggestions for corrections are welcome, especially for missing accent marks and the like.

Reviews by readers are more than welcome, to include opinions contrary to my own, but may be edited for clarity. Please follow the format as shown below.

I will accept books to be reviewed if they relate to the topic of this page, e-mail me at [email protected]. for further information.


Anderton, David A. Aggressors: Interceptor vs. Heavy Bomber; Charlottesville, VA: Howell Press, 1991 64 p. ISBN 0-943231-36-1
Mainly a general overview of how the Luftwaffe and Japanese airforces tried to counter Allied bombing. Very nice profiles and artwork. Some photos.  Al Magnus
Case Studies in the Achievement of Air Superiority; Washington, DC: Center for Air Force History, 1994 606 p. ISBN 0-912799-63-3
Case Studies in the Development of Close Air Support; Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, 1990 678 p. ISBN 0-912799-65-X
Has a useful chapter of the Luftwaffe's experience of CAS through 1940.  Jason Long
The Conduct of the Air War in the Second World War: An International Comparison: Proceedings of the International Conference of Historians in Freiburg im Breisgau, Federal Republic of Germany, from 29 August to 2 September 1988; New York: Berg, 1992 763 p. ISBN 0-85496-697-8
Translation of Luftkriegführung im Zweiten Weltkrieg, etc.
Feuchter, Georg Werner. Geschichte des Luftkriegs: vom Fesselballon zum Raumfahrzeug; Frankfurt am Main: Athenaum, 1962 2., verb. und erweiterte Aufl. 486 p.
First published under title of Geschichte der Luftkrieg.
Galland, Adolf, et al. The Luftwaffe Fighter Force: The View from the Cockpit; London: Greenhill/Stackpole, 1998 256 p. ISBN 1-85367-327-7
Post-war interrogation reports.
Hallion, Richard P. Strike from the Sky: The History of Battlefield Air Attack, 1911-1945; Shrewsbury: Airlife Publishing, 1989 323 p. ISBN 1-85310-020-X
Hecks, Karl. Bombing 1939-45: The Air Offensive Against Land Targets in World War Two; London: Hale, 1990 304 p. ISBN 0-7090-4020-2
Hyvonen, Jaakko. Yohavittajatoiminnasta 1915-1945; Helsinki: Kirjateos, c1985 216 p. ISBN 951-944532-3
Nowarra, Heinz J. Gezielter Sturz: die Geschichte der Sturzkampfbomber aus aller Welt; Stuttgart: Motorbuch, 1982 239 p. ISBN 3-87943-844-7
Piekalkiewicz, Janusz. The Air War 1939-1945; Poole, Dorset: Blandford Press, 1985 434 p. ISBN 0-918678-05-6
Translation of Luftkrieg 1939-1945.
Price, Alfred. World War II Fighter Conflict; London: Macdonald and Jane's, 1975 160 p. ISBN 0-356-08129-X
Saward, Dudley. Victory Denied: The Rise of Air Power and the Defeat of Germany, 1920-45; New York: F. Watts, 1987 ISBN 0-531-15045-3
Smith, Peter C. The History of Dive Bombing; Annapolis, MD: Nautical & Aviation Publishing, 1981 253 p. ISBN 0-933852-23-1
Previously published as Impact!
Smith, Peter C. Close Air Support; New York: Orion Books, 1990 183 p. ISBN 0-517-56907-8
Spick, Mike. All-Weather Warriors: The Search for the Ultimate Fighter Aircraft; London: Arms and Armour, 1994 175 p. ISBN 1-85409-202-2
Spick, Mike. Designed for the Kill: The Jet Fighter, Development & Experience; Shrewsbury: Airlife, 1995 176 p. ISBN 1-85310-121-4
Spick, Mike. Luftwaffe Fighter Aces: The Jagdflieger and their Combat Techniques; London: Greenhill Books, 1996 248 p. ISBN 1-85367-256-4
A very useful book that discusses aerial tactics used by night and day by the Germans. Also explores the different aerial enviroments in the different theaters as perceived by the German pilots. Unfortuantely perpetuates William Green's early error that the Bf 109D used the DB 600 engine rather than the Jumo 210 actually used.  Jason Long

Biographies and Memoirs

Jackson, Robert. Bomber!: Famous Bomber Missions of World War II; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980 157 p. ISBN 0-312-08758-6
Jackson, Robert. Fighter!: The Story of Air Combat 1936-1945; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979 168 p. ISBN 0-312-28871-9
An edition of Fighter Pilots of World War II?
Jackson, Robert. Fighter Pilots of World War II; New York: Belmont Tower Books, 1976 176 p. ISBN 0-505-51192-4
Unremarkable retelling of adventures better told elsewhere.  Dave"Prophet" Williams
Klinkowski, Jerome. Their Finest Hours: The RAF and Luftwaffe in World War II; London: Marion Boyars Publishing, 1990 147 p. ISBN 0-7145-2907-9
A comparison of memoirs in English produced by pilots from both sides to see just how their war experiences compared.  Jason Long
Nevin, David. Architects of Airpower; Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1981 176 p. ISBN 0-8094-3279-X
Part of the Epic of Flight series.
Philpott, Bryan. Famous Fighter Aces; Wellingborough, Northants: Patrick Stephens, 1989 160 p. ISBN 1-85260-025-X
Jack Pearl. Aerial Dogfights of World War II; CN: Derby, 1962 138 p.
Merely a retelling of Galland, Johnson et al and their adventures. Better left alone. The information in this one is available elsewhere and is handled far more interestingly. Covers all main theatres of action.  Dave"Prophet" Williams
Price, Alfred. Sky Battles, Sky Warriors: Stories of Exciting Air Combat; London: Arms and Armour, 1994 160, 179 p. ISBN 1-85409-335-5
One volume reprint.
Sgarlato, Nico. Gli Assi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale; Parma: Delta, 1979 59 p.
Sims, Edward H. The Fighter Pilots: A Comparative Study of the Royal Air Force, the Luftwaffe and the United States Army Air Force in Europe and North Africa, 1939-1945; London: Cassell, 1967 318 p.
Smith, Peter C. Into the Assault: Famous Dive-Bomber Aces; London: John Murray, 1985 223 p. ISBN 0-7195-4547-2
Biographies of dive-bomber specialists from the major powers, including one from Sweden. Not very well organized.  Jason Long
Ver Elst, Andre. De oorlog in de lucht en in de ruimte; Amsterdam: Nederlandsche Keurboekerij, 1966 2 volumes
Volume 1: Heroische luchtgevechten in wereldooriog. Volume 2: Met het Legion Condor van Madrid naar Duinkerken.
Whelan, James R. Hunters in the Sky: Fighter Aces of WWII; Washington: Regnery Gateway, 1991 318 p. ISBN 0-89526-526-5
An expansive text covering the escapades of the world's aces. A virtual who's who of WWII aviation. Not recommended for anyone seeking an in depth look at the air war but perfect as an introductory primer. Got to like any book that covers the career of Lily Litvak no matter how superficially!  Dave"Prophet" Williams
Zanetti, M. and Quade, G. L'Aviazione dell'Asse; Roma: La Verita, 1942 86 p.

Radar, Electronic Warfare, Equipment and Weapons

This section includes everything I have found relating to the German V-weapons and advanced technology, including memoirs, missile sites, etc. with the exception of material relating to the efforts of the Polish underground to recover pieces of and info on the V-2 have been ignored as not germane.

A - 4 Fibel; Scarborough, Ontario, Canada: S. R. Research and Publishing, ? 164 p.
A reprint of the manual issued for preparing and launching the the V-2. First published in 1957 by Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama. The text of the manual is in English, but the illustrations were taken from the original German WW II manual issued to the German rocket troops.  C. Reuter
Arena, Nino. Il Radar; Modena: STEM, 1976 3 volumes
Volume 1: La Guerra sui Mari. Volume 2: La Guerra Aerea. Volume 3: La Caccia Notturna.
Bates, H. E. Flying Bombs over England; Westerham: Froglets, 160 p. ISBNs 1-87233-704-X and ISBN 1-87233-718-X (pbk.)
Bauer, Arthur O. Deckname "Würzburg": Ein Beitrag zur Erhellung der Geschichte des geheimnisumwittertren deutschen Radargeräts, 1937-1945; Herten: Historicher Technikliteratur, n.d. 136 p.
Details of circuits, construction, employment and techniques used against counter measures for all of the Würzburg models. The author has restored one to operating condition.  Louis Brown
Bekker, Cajus. Augen durch Nacht und Nebel: die Radarstory; Herford: E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1980. 3. Aufl. 294 p ISBN 3-8132-0110-4
Revised edition of Radar: Duel im Dunkel.
Bekker, Cajus. Radar: Duell im Dunkel: dramatische Hohepunkte der wissenschaftlich-technischen Kriegfuhrung; Oldenburg: G. Stalling, 1958 352 p.
A readable, popular treatment. Contains much information that would seem to have come from personal interviews that is valuable, but the lack of citation makes it difficult to evaluate. Bekker makes frequent use of invented dialogue. His understanding seems good and well balanced. He treats the matter entirely as a struggle between Britain and Germany.  Louis Brown
Benecke, Theodor, et al. Flugkorper und Lenkraketen: Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der deutschen gelenkten Flugkorper vom Beginn dieses Jahrhunderts bis heute; Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe, 1987 377 p. ISBN 3-7637-5284-6
Bentele, Max. Engine Revolutions: The Autobiography of Dr. Max Bentele; Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1991 297 p. ISBN 1-560-91081-X
Dr. Bentele worked on the HeS 011 engine.
Bley, Curtis. Geheimnis Radar: Eine Geschichte der Wissen-schaftlichen Kriegführung; Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1949 40 p.
Important for giving the German perceptions immediately after the end of the war.  Louis Brown
Bode, Volkhard and Kaiser, Gerhard. Raketenspuren: Peenemünde 1936-1994: eine historische Reportage; Berlin: Ch. Links, 1995 205 p. ISBN 3-86153-087-2
Brandt, Leo. Zur Geschichte der Radartechnick in Deutschland und Gross Britannien; Genoa: Pubblicazioni dell'Instituo Internazionale dell Communicazioni, 1967 80 p.
An excellent treatment. Almost every word tells.  Louis Brown
Capron, Roger. Bases Sécretes en Haute-Normandie, 1943/1944; ?: Impr. Bertout, 1989 183 p. ISBN 2-86743095-X
Collier, Basil. The Battle of the V-Weapons, 1944-45; Morley: Elmfield Press, 1976 191 p.
Constant, Edward W. II. The Origin of the Turbojet Revolution; Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980 311 p. ISBN 0-8018-2222-X
Rather a bit much on the early antecedents of the gas turbine engine. It seems to be more of a history of science study than a detailed examination of the development of the jet engine from the Twenties to the Forties. Still useful though.  Jason Long
Cooksley, Peter G. Flying Bomb: The Story of Hitler's V-Weapons in World War II; New York: Scribner, 1979 208 p. ISBN 0-684-16284-9
Debuchy, Victor. L'Etrange Histoire des Armes Sécretes Allemandes; paris: Editions France-Empire, 1978 360 p.
De Maeseneer, Guido. Peenemünde: The Extraordinary Story of Hitler's Secret Weapons, V-1 and V-2; Vancouver: AJ Publishing, 1995 ? p.
Devereux, Tony. Messenger Gods of Battle: Radio, Radar, Sonar: The Story of Electronics in War; London, Brassey's, 1991 322 p. ISBN 0-08035829-2
The whole story from the telegraph to "stealth". Brief, but the best balanced attempt at the whole story. Louis Brown
Dornberger, Walter. Peenemünde: die Geschichte der V-Waffen; Esslingen: Bechtle, 1981 313 p. ISBN 3-7628-0404-4
Revised edition of V2, der Schuss ins Weltall which was translated into English with the title of V2 back in the 50's.
Doschek, Franz Wilhelm. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Luftraumuberwachung an der no. Ostgrenze in den Jahren 1939-1945; Asparn an der Zaya: Zeitgeschichtliches Dokumentationsarchiv, 1993 50 p.
Dufour, Norbert and Doré, Christian. L'Enfer des V1 en Seine-Maritime durant le Seconde Guerre Mondiale; Saint-Nicolas-d'Aliermont?: C.E.P.S.N.A., 1993 295 p. ISBN 2-86743179-4
V 1 sites in the départment.
Dufour, Norbert. Les V1 de 1944; Saint-Nicolas-d'Aliermont?: Centre d'Education Populaire de Saint-Nicolas-d'Aliermont, 1984 224 p.
Engelmann, Joachim. Geheime Waffenschmiede Peenemünde: V 2, Wasserfall, Schmetterling; Friedberg: Podzun-Pallas, 1979 159 p. ISBN 3-7909-0118-0
Engelmann, Joachim. Raketen, die den Krieg entscheiden sollten: Taifun, Natter, Kirschkern (V 1), Rheinbote (V 3), Fohn (V 4) u.a.; Friedberg: Podzun-Pallas, 1981 160 p. ISBN 3-7909-0141-5
Engelmann, Joachim. V1: die fliegende Bombe Fi 103; Friedberg: Podzun-Pallas, 1986 48 p. ISBN 3-7909-0265-9
Engelmann, Joachim. V2: Dawn of the Rocket Age; West Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 1990 46 p. ISBN 0-88740-233-X
Fisher, David E. A Race on the Edge of Time: Radar-the Decisive Weapon of World War II; New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988 371 p. ISBN 0-070-21088-8
A very limited picture taken from the usual secondary sources. Filled with errors and pronouncements of revealed truth.  Louis Brown
Freund, Florian. Arbeitslager Zement: das Konzentrationslager Ebensee und die Raketenrüstung; Wien: Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, 1989 486 p. ISBN 3-900351-87-2
Gersdorff, Kyrill von and Grasmann, Kurt. Flugmotoren und Strahltriebwerke: Entwicklungsgeschichte der deutschen Luftfahrtantriebe von den Anfangen bis zu den europaischen Gemeinschaftsentwicklungen; Munchen: Bernard & Graefe, 1981 303 p. ISBN 3-7637-5272-2
Grenneville, Regis and Grenneville, Laurence. Normandie 1944: Les Armes Sécretes Allemandes: Les V1; Bayeux: Editions Heimdal, 1984 168 p.
Hahn, Fritz. Waffen und Geheimwaffen des deutschen Heeres 1933-1945; Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe, 1986-1987 2 volumes ISBN 3-7637-5830-5 (set)
Band 1. Infanteriewaffen, Pionierwaffen, Artilleriewaffen, Pulver, Spreng- und Kampfstoffe; Band 2. Panzer- Sonderfahrzeuge, "Wunderwaffen", Verbrauch und Verluste. An excellent work that provides production numbers for most of the weapons described.  Jason Long
Hautefeuille, Roland. Constructions Spéciales: Histoire de la Construction l'Organisation Todt, dans le Pas de Calais et le Cotentin, des Neufs Grands Sites Protèges Pour le Tir des V1, V2, V3 et la production d'Oxygene Liquide (1943-1944); paris: R. Hautefeuille, 1985 315 p.
Heeres-Versuchsstelle Peenemünde. A 4-Fibel; Redstone Arsenal, AL: Army Ballistic Missile Agency, 1957 164 p.
An English translation of the technical manual and operator's guide for the V-2.
Helfers, M. C. The Employment of V-Weapons by the Germans during World War II; Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 1954 131 p.
Hellmold, Wilhelm. Die V1: eine Dokumentation; Esslingen: Bechtle, 1993 3. Aufl. 309 p. ISBN 3-7628-0471-0
Henshall, Philip. Hitler's Rocket Sites; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985 221 p. ISBN 0-312-38822-5
Henshall, Philip. Vengeance: Hitler's Nuclear Weapon: Fact or Fiction?; Stroud, Gloustershire: Alan Sutton, 1995 180 p. ISBN 0-7509-0874-2
Fascinating book that illustrates the world's first missile silos and discusses the evidence on Nazi plans to use radiological weapons via modified V-2s. These weren't atomic bombs, but rather radioactive dust.  Jason Long
History of German Guided Missiles Development: AGARD First Guided Missiles Seminar, Munich, Germany, April, 1956; Brunswick, Germany; Appelhans: Published for and on behalf of The Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization by Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fur Luftfahrt, 1957 419 p.
Hoffmann-Heyden, Adolf-Eckard. Die Funkmeßgerät de deutschen Flakartillerie (1938-1945); Dortmund: Verkehrs- und Wirtschafts-Verlag, 1953 293 p.
Technical details of German AA radar for the electrical engineer. Almost no history.  Louis Brown
Hioffschmidt, Edward J. German Aircraft Guns WW I-WW II; Old Greenwhich, CT: WE, 1969 182 p.
Hogg, Ian V. German Secret Weapons of the Second World War: The Missiles, Rockets, Weapons and New Technology of the Third Reich; London: Greenhill, 1999 223 p. ISBN 1-85367-325-0
Hölsken, Dieter. V-Missiles of the Third Reich, the V-1 and V-2; Sturbridge, MA: Monogram Aviation Publishers, 1994 352 p. ISBN 0-914144-42-1
Revised edition of Die V-Waffen: Entstehung, Propaganda, Kriegseinsatz.
Huzel, Dieter K. Peenemünde to Canaveral; Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1962 247 p.
There's a new (1994) German edition with the title, Von Peenemünde nach Canaveral, that has 304 pages. Has it been revised and expanded?
Irving, David. The Mare's Nest; London: Panther, 1985 Rev. ed. 351 p. ISBN 0-586-06368-4
German edition published under title of Die Geheimwaffen des Dritten Reiches.
The Jet Age: Forty Years of Jet Aviation; Washington: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 1979 190 p. ISBN 0-87474248-X
Interesting essays by von Ohain and Whittle on their development efforts.
Johnson, Brian. The Secret War; New York: Methuen, 1978 352 p. ISBN 0-458-93340-6
Companion volume to the BBC series.
Johnson, David. V for Vengeance: The Second Battle of London; London: Kimber, 1981 203 p. ISBN 0-7183-0188-9
American edition published with the title of V-1, V-2.
Kay, Antony L. Buzz Bomb; Boylston, MA: Monogram Aviation Publications, 1977 32 p. ISBN 0-914144-04-9
Monogram Close-Up 4.
Kennedy, Gregory P. Vengeance Weapon 2: The V-2 Guided Missile; Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983 87 p.
Klee, Ernst and Merk, Otto. The Birth of the Missile; New York: Dutton, 1965 126 p.
Translation of Damals in Peenemunde.
Kokhuis, G. J. I. Van V 1 tot ruimtevaart: De geschiedenis van de V 1 en V 2; Amsterdam: Duwaer, 1972 84 p.
Lange, Bruno and Gersdorff, Kyrill von. Typenhandbuch der deutschen Luftfahrttechnik: ein Nachschlagwerk uber die deutschen Motorflugzeuge, Luftschiffe, Flugmotoren, Turbo- und Raketentriebwerke, Flugkorper, Luftschrauben, Bordinstrumente, Bordfunkanlagen und Bordwaffen von den Anfangen bis heute; Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe, 1986 413 p. ISBN 3-7637-5284-6
Latham, Colin and Stobbs, Anne. Radar: A Wartime Miracle; Washington, DC: Sutton, 1996 233 p. ISBN 0-7509-1114-X
An oral history.
Lauck, Friedrich. Der Lufttorpedo: Entwicklung und Technik in Deutschland 1915-1945; Munchen: Bernard & Graefe, 1981 304 p. ISBN 3-7637-5230-7
Longmate, Norman. The Doodlebugs: The Story of the Flying Bombs; London: Arrow, 1986 548 p. ISBN 0-09-929020-0
Longmate, Norman. Hitler's Rockets: The Story of the V-2s; London: Hutchinson, 1985 422 p. ISBN 0-09-158820-0
Lusar, Rudolf. Die Deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des zweiten Weltkrieges und ihre weiteren wicklung; Munchen: J F Lehmann, 1971 6. stark uberarb. und erw. Aufl. 447 p.
English translation of an early edition appeared under the title of German Secret Weapons of the Second World War.
McGovern, James. Crossbow and Overcast; London: Hutchinson, 1965  279 p.
Miranda, J. and Mercado, P. Secret Wonder Weapons of the Third Reich: German Missiles 1934-1945; Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 1996 141 p. ISBN 0-7643-0086-5
Translation of Die geheimen Wunderwaffen des III Reiches: die Deutschen Raketen- und Raketenflugzeug Projekte 1934-1945.
Nejtek, Vilem. Smrt se uci letat; Praha: Nase vojsko, 1990 Vyd. 2., rozsirene a upravene 254 p. ISBN 80-2060067-1
Neufeld, Michael J. The Rocket and the Reich: Peenemunde and the coming of the Ballistic Missile Era; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996 367 p. ISBN 0-67477650-X (pbk.)
Niehaus, Werner. Die Radarschlacht, 1939-1945: die Geschichte der Hochfrequenzkrieges; Stuttgart: Motorbuch, 1977 246 p. ISBN 3-87943-515-4
Nowarra, Heinz J. German Guided Missiles; Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 1993 47 p. ISBN 0-88740-475-8
Ogley, Bob. Doodlebugs and Rockets: The Battle of the Flying Bombs; Westerham, Kent: Froglets, 1992 208 p. ISBN 1-87233-722-8
Orlov, Aleksandr. Sekretnoe oruzhie tret'ego reikha; Moskva: Nauka, 1975  159 p.
Pachaly, Erhard. Konzentrationslager Mittelbau-Dora: zum antifaschistischen Widerstandskampf im KZ Dora, 1943 bis 1945; Berlin: Dietz, 1990 268 p. ISBN 3-320-01488-9
Patzwall, Klaus D., ed. Vergeltung: das Flak-Regiment 155 (W); Hamburg: Militaria-Archiv K.D. Patzwall, 1985 119 p.
Paus, Peter. Raketenbomben uber England: der Einsatz von Hitlers Wunderwaffen; Rastatt: E. Pabel, 1986 107 p.
Price, Alfred. Instruments of Darkness: The History of Electronic Warfare; New York: Scribner's, 1978 284 p. ISBN 0-684-15806-X
The basic text for the history of radar and electronic warfare.  Jason Long
Pritchard, David. The Radar War: Germany's Pioneering Achievement, 1904-1945; Wellingtonborough, Northants.: Patrick Stephens, 1989 240 p. ISBN 1-85260-246-5
Most of this book is taken from Fritz Trenkle with ample quotations from R. V. Jones. It is useful for a long interview with Wilhelm Runge and biographical material about other German radar men.  Louis Brown
Radar Development to 1945; London: Peter Peregrinus for the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1988 528 p. ISBN 0-86341-139-8
A compilation of technical essays. Oriented towards professionals in the field, but readily understood by laymen.  Jason Long
Rangholm, Alf. Londra Sotto il Fuoco della V.1: Fatti e Testimonianze; Italy: Mondadori, 1944 56 p.
Reuter, C. The V2 and the German, Russian and American Rocket Program; Scarborough, Ontario, Canada: S. R. Research and Publishing, 1998? ? p.
A history of the German Rocket Program. The book will deal mostly with the development and production of the German rockets in Hitler's secret underground Mittelwerk complex. Included in the book is also a short history of the further development of the A4 by the Russians and Americans after the war.  C. Reuter
Reuter, Frank. Funkmeß: die Entwicklung und der Einsatz des RADAR-Verfahrens in Deutschland bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges; Opladen : Westdeutscher, 1971 288 p.
Excellent treatment though I could have done without record length sentences.  Louis Brown
Riedel, Walter and Steinhoff, Ernst A. 8 Lectures on the V-2; Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD: Ordnance Research and Development Center, Foreign Document Evaluation Branch, Technical Section, 1946 1 volume
Ruff, Siegfried. Entwicklung und Bau von Schleudersitzen in Deutschland 1938-1945; Köln: DFVLR, 1981 109 p.
Summary in English.
Ruff, Siegfried, et al. Sicherheit und Rettung in der Luftfahrt; Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe, 1989 246 p. ISBN 3-7637-5293-5
Schlaifer, Robert and Heron, S.D. Development of Aircraft Engines; Development of Aviation Fuels; Boston: Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, 1950 754 p.
Damn near anything you ever wanted to know about aircraft engines and their fuel. Covers all the developments such as turbocharging, variable-pitch propellers, etc. for both the Americans and British. German information restricted to an excellent account of their turbojet developments. Now if somebody'd just reprint the damn book so I didn't have to worry about it falling apart in my hands.  Jason Long
Sengfelder, Gunter. German Aircraft Landing Gear: A Detailed Study of German World War II Combat Aircraft; Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 1993 243 p. ISBN 0-88740-470-7
Swords, Sean S. Technical History of the Beginnings of Radar; London: Peter Peregrinus for the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1986 325 p. ISBN ?
Particularly interesting with a physics or engineering background. Stops wth the invention of the cavity magnetron. The chapter "Debut of Radar" reviews pre-war world-wide efforts. The technical description and chronology of Chain Home is detailed. Louis Brown
Stuwe, Botho. Peenemünde-West: die Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe fur geheime Fernlenkwaffen undderen Entwicklungsgeschichte; Munchen: Bechtle, 1995 847 p. ISBN 3-7628-530-X
Although overshadowed by the more famous Army test station, Peenemunde-Ost, it was at this station that the Luftwaffe tested its missiles. The book is primarily concerned with development and unit references are few, but this is compensated somewhat by their obscurity.  Barry Rosch
Taylor, Theodore. Rocket Island; New York: Avon, 1985 160 p. ISBN 0-380-89674-5
A book for children.
Tracking: The History of Radar; Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 1994 366 p. ISBN 0-7803-9987-0
A very useful collection of essays, including the annotated bibliogaphy from which I've drawn all of Louis Brown's comments.  Jason Long
Trenkle, Fritz. Bordfunkgeräte: vom Funksender zum Bordradar: Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe, 1986 263 p. ISBN 3-7637-5289-7
Trenkle, Fritz. Die deutschen Funk-Navigation- und Funk-Fuhrungsverfahren bis 1945; Stuttgart: Motorbuch, 1979 208 p. ISBN 3-87943-615-0
Trenkle, Fritz. Die deutschen Funklenkverfahren bis 1945; Heidelberg: Huthig, 1987 2. Aufl 216 p. ISBN 3-7785-1465-2
A history of German radar.
Trenkle, Fritz. Die deutschen Funkmessverfahren bis 1945; Heidelberg: Huthig, 1986 212 p. ISBN 3-7785-1400-8
A history of German radar equipment, both aerial and ground.
Tresp, Harald. Peenemunde: Menschen, Technik und ihre Erben; Illertissen: Flugzeug Publikations, 1992 75 p.
Wegener, Peter P. The Peenemunde Wind Tunnels: A Memoir; New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996 187 p. ISBN 0-300-06367-9
Young, Richard Anthony. The Flying Bomb; London: Ian Allan, 1978 160 p. ISBN 0-7110-0842-6
Younkin, Paula. V-2 Rockets; New York: Crestwood House, 1994 48 p. ISBN 0-89686-827-3
A book for children.