Europa OBs

Europa OBs

OBs for Fire in the East/Total War. These will probably be updated as I get new material. Here are the forces available to Romania in the TW period. Updated 28 Nov 97.

The Hungarian ground forces for Barbarossa.

Security and police units in TW. Includes garrison units for the WK General Government and the General Government Extension; at least as I understand the boundaries of those areas. Many thanks to Jim Broshot for his help with Tessin and Dirlewanger. Revised 27 Oct 99 to reflect new data on Orpo participation in SS Einsatzgruppen atrocities.

The draft Axis Air OBs for TW. Includes all the Axis Allies! I still expect to see some changes as I acquire more information. Updated 5 August 01 with major changes to the heavy fighters.

Some commentary on the Slovaks in FitE, based on recent info.

Jun II 44 Scenario OBs. These are ready to use with air replacements and everything. The German is pretty good, but the Soviet is only slightly more than sheer guesswork. The Axis ground OB is totally independent from SF, and only goes from Jul I to Oct I 44 as the scenario starts on the Soviet Jun II turn. Updated 4 Feb 98

My raw German air OB for the Eastern Front for the FitE period. Updated 5 August 01.

A raw air OB for the South Theater 5/43-6/44.
A raw air OB for the North Theater for the entire war.

Soviet aircraft performance data and my suggested Europa ratings, comments are welcome.

Ratings of many early war fighters are often inconsistent. This page illustrates the problem and offers suggestions for change.

A comprehensive raw Luftwaffe OB for 9/39 to 3/40. This will be extended as time permits, at least through 1940 in the near future. Updated 8 Sep 97.

The 1939 Luftwaffe for FtF in the new format.

Scenarios: Here are various scenarios that people are uploading for playtest and development.

Storm over Scandinavia will allow me to do Thunder over Norway a scenario on the hypothetical invasion of Southern Norway as a follow on to Operation Jupiter, or even as a stand-alone campaign in lieu of Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily.

Ken Guerin has uploaded material from Mark Royer's Italy's War project linking War in the Desert with Balkan Front. Still incomplete.

Unofficial Total War Playtest
I've started a Total War playtest with draft material in my possession. Commentary on the results.
Mark Yanaway is AG South and Army Norway commander, I have AG Center and North. John Madison is Northwestern and Western TVD and Karelia Front commander and Greg Sarnecki is Southwestern TVD commander.

Annotated Organizational Histories with reference to Europa. Additional information is always welcome, but please cite your sources.

Obscure Combat Formations of the SS. A collaboration between Jim Broshot and myself to give a little background to some of those strange little white-on-black counters. Suggests different treatments for a number of these based on, what we hope is, better information than was previously available.

Obscure Combat Formations of the Heer. A similiar collaboration between Jim Broshot and myself to give a little history behind some of those unusual counters. So far we have listings of the Tiger units, all the independent Sturmgeschütz units, and the 653rd Heavy Anti-tank Battalion that was equipped with Ferdinands and Jagdtigers. A roster of all the independent anti-tank units is probably next.

Grand Europa Orders of Battle. The first is a SS OB from '39 to '42 tracking every SS unit that appears, or should appear, in Europa, with commentary. Pretty good though '41, but '42 still needs some work. Revised 11 Nov 98.
Other projects include every panzer, panzergrenadier, motorized infantry, tank destroyer, assault gun, engineer panzer, and armored reconnaissance unit that appears, or should appear in Europa.

The Designer's Notes for War of Resistance, courtesy of Mark Royer.

The Europa Answer Man. Rich Velay's Official Europa Guru page has all of the errata and addendum for Second Front.

This Europa/Ring site owned by Jason Long.
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