January 2005 - We have puppies!
More information to be posted soon.


Pretty face in a pet store, Year 1969. Instant and complete--Love. From that day to this and beyond. His name was Brandy. My children grew up with him as their guardian angel. He lived up to everything I'd ever read about his breed, despite his humble beginnings.

Fast forward to 1995. We live in Chester, Va. Joined the national club, the Greater Washington Saint Bernard Club, the Richmond Dog Obedience Club and purchased our first show dog, Max.

We feel privileged to share our home with the five Saints we now have. We've done conformation, obedience, carting, agility and rescue. Had a few wonderful litters. There are simply no words to describe what these dogs mean to me, except if I am lucky --truly lucky-- the rest of my life will be devoted to paying them back, in some small way, for all they have given me.

Come on into our site and visit with us a while. We hope y'all will come back often!

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