From Cloud's first flashback----
" How does it feel...?"
"I wouldn't know because I don't have a hometown..."
"My mother is Jenova, my father....*laughs* What does it matter?"

At the Mako reactor...
"Was I created this way too?"
"Am I the same as all these monsters?"
"I've always felt since I was small, that I was different from the others. Special, in some way.
But not like this."

At the ShinRa Mansion...
"Out of my way. I'm going to see my mother."
At the Mako reactor...
"Mother, I'm here to see you. Please open this door."
"Mother, lets take back the planet together."
"Mother was destined to become the ruler of this planet."
"But they....those worthless creatures, are stealing the planet from mother. But now, I'm here. So don't worry..."
ShinRa Boat----
"After a long sleep.....
the time...
the time has...come
the time...is now."
ShinRa mansion
"Being here brings back memories.."
"Are you going to participate in the Reunion?"
"Jenova will be at the Reunion
Jenova will join the Reunion
Becoming a calamity from the skies"
"...I see. I don't think that you have the right to participate."
"I will go North past Mt. Nibel, if you wish to find out..then follow."

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