Later that afternoon, Lina stood on a pedestal wearing a green dress.  It was off the shoulder, fitted in the bodice, and swept to the floor.  She'd made several convincing arguments about the matching heels, and having won, was wearing only one and a half inch pumps.  Thus the pedestal -- the dress needed to be measured for re-hemming.  Two maids pinned and measured whilst a third sorted through a mass of jewelry, occasionally selecting a piece and holding it to Lina's face, muttering to herself.  A fourth made drawings of Lina and sketched possible hairdressings.
     "Amelia, do I really have to wear this thing?"  Lina whined.
     The princess sat nearby.  "Oh, of course, Miss Lina.  Besides, you'll be next to me, and you have to look wonderful.  The reception is after, and you'll want to look good for that.  The Maid of Honor dances all the dances."
     "But... but....I CAN'T DANCE!"  wailed Lina.
     At that, the maids all looked at each other.  The Princess's Maid of Honor can't dance?  Even Amelia was shocked silent.  Finally, the maid with the sketchbook, slightly older than the others, daringly pointed out, "Your Highness, it is not required for the Maid of Honor to dance.  It just happens that way.  Miss Inverse needn't dance if she doesn't wish to.  Though, if we do our jobs right," and she gave meaningful looks to the other maids, "she'll get lots of practice saying no."
    "That's right!"  cried Amelia.  "Just think, Miss Lina, you'll be so pretty that every man will fall in love with you, and Mr. Gourry will be SOOOO jealous...."
     "I DON'T WANT HIM JEALOUS!"  Lina yelled.  Startled, the maids all froze.  As one, they then rose and left the room.  Lina shook.  She stepped off the riser and pulled off the dress, tossing it aside.  As she pulled on her old maroon tunic, Amelia carefully hung the dress up.  As Lina collapsed on to the sofa, Amelia came and stood over her.
     Hands on her hips, Amelia asked, "You want to talk about it?"
     "No.  Yes.  We had this huge fight and...... I guess nothing's what you'd expect."
     "You and Gourry aren'"
     "Nope.  It's just not gonna happen.  Maybe if he was smarter, like Zel..."  A flash of expression crossed Amelia's face, and Lina stopped.  "What?  Zel?"
      Sighing, Amelia said, "I invited him.  I don't know if he got the message or not.  I hope he did.  I included a note telling him that everything was fine, and that I hoped you and Mr. Gourry would be here.... but....."
      Lina nodded.  "Don't expect him, the stubborn rock."
      "I know."  Amelia sat next to Lina.  "I told Orin all about him, and I know it was probably just a girl's first crush, but I never did find out what Zelgadis really thought of me, and I'm afraid...."
      Lina patted her arm.  "Don't be.  To tell you the truth, I wondered myself, but after a while...."  She shrugged.
      "After a while, you just have to grow up.  And I did, Lina.  I did.  Orin is wonderful.  I'm not sure I love him totally, but I like him ALOT.  And I'm a princess.  I can't marry a wandering sorcerer.  But I still care for Zelgadis, like.... like an older brother, and I want him to see me get married, and be proud of me."
      "I'm sure he would be, Amelia.  He knew you'd be alright."
      "What about you, Lina?"
      "Are you alright?  You said you and Gourry fought.  I take it it wasn't the usual fight."
      Lina looked at her hands.  They were calloused from her rapier, nails broken from digging through treasure.  She had more wealth stashed away in various accounts at Sorcerer's Guilds all over the world than perhaps the Royal Treasury of Saillune.  But, she wasn't happy yet.  "I used to think that if I was rich, or the most powerful, or something, I'd be happy.  Then I thought that wandering the world with Gourry would make me happy.  Then I didn't think at all."
      "Oh, Lina."
       Lina shook off her depression.  "L-Sama!  I sound like Zel!  Enough!  You're happy, you're getting married tomorrow, and that's cause to CELEBRATE!"  She grinned at Amelia, who smiled back.
      "Your Highness?"  A courier poked his head in.  "Her Excellency the High Priestess has arrived."
      "Yay!" cried Amelia.  "C'mon, Lina!  Wait til you see!"  Running all the way, the two young women headed for the Great Hall.  When they got there, though, they saw that Gourry and Orin had beaten them.  And in Gourry's arms, hugging him enthusiastically, was Sylphiel.

     Now High Priestess of Sairaag, Sylphiel had agreed to perform the ceremony.  With Gourry beaming at her, she greeted Lina happily. 
     "Miss Lina!  I was so thrilled when Orin welcomed me and told me that you and Gourry-dear were here!  How wonderful to have us all back together for this happy event!"  Her eyes turned back to Gourry.  "Amelia didn't even hint that you'd be here!"
     "Really?" drawled Lina.  She saw something for the first time between Gourry and Sylphiel, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.  Sylphiel smiled up at Gourry, and he smiled back in genuine delight.  Did I ... did I drive him away, Lina wondered suddenly.  He seems like he'd be so much happier with her.
     "Gee, Sylphiel, it's great to see you!"  Gourry said.  "You look good."  Sylphiel blushed very prettily.
     "Uh-oh," said a low voice in Lina's ear.  "Why do I suddenly think this was not one of Amelia's best ideas?"  Lina turned to see Prince Orin standing close, his eyes on her face, his expression concerned.
     Flushing, Lina protested, "Oh, no, it's fine.  We're not, er, that is, Gourry and I aren't, um..."
     Nodding, Orin seemed to understand despite her stuttering.  Offering his arm, he said loudly, "Miss Lina, I understand that my Amelia dragged you away from your lunch earlier."
     Recognizing the prince's tactics, Lina smiled.  "Hey, I'm up for food!"  Taking his arm, she called to Amelia, "Hey, Amelia!  Mind if I borrow Orin for a bit?"
     "Just bring him back in one piece, OK?"  Amelia laughed.  "Sylphiel and I have a lot to work on."
      Leaving Amelia, Sylphiel, and Gourry behind, Orin led Lina to a small, by Palace standards, dining room where a lunch board was set up.  Lina loaded up a few plates and ate with Orin seated across from her.
     "I understand that you may in fact be the most powerful sorceress in the world, Miss Lina."  Orin said.
     "Mfffff.  Maybe"
     "I also understand that you and Gourry have been travelling together for what, five years now?"
     Lina stopped stuffing her face and gave him a 'look'.
     Waving off her anger, Orin continued.  "I just wanted to understand.  Amelia is probably concerned, if she saw what I did.  She looks on you as an older sister, and I'd hate to have her worried on the night before her wedding."
      Lina downed a mug of weak ale to clear her mouth.  "Let's just say that certain things have changed.  I don't think when I leave here that I'll still have a partner."
      "Hmm."  agreed Orin.  "Lina, you're always welcome here, as long as you don't destroy anything, and I'd like to be friends with my darling Amelia's friends.  So please, feel free to talk to me as you would her."
     Lina looked at him a moment.  She considered herself a good judge of character, and this Prince Orin made her comfortable.  "Orin, you're cool, you know that?"
     He laughed.  "Thank you.  I hope so.  Ijust want everything to be perfect for Amelia.
     Perfect timing, as Amelia burst into the room at that very moment.  Seeing Lina, she ran up and grabbed Lina's hand, her face frantic.  "Lina!  I'm so sorry!  I didn't know, I didn't expect..."
     "Amelia, relax!  I told you things had changed.  Really, it's OK," Lina reassured her.

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