Slayers:  In Vino Veritas

(Look, I don't think you need to drink to have fun.  And I certainly don't think that drinking is an answer to anything.  Frankly, what happens here-- and you know what will, it IS a lemon-- is a remarkably bad idea.   BUT-- drink does tear down inhibitions, and that's the key to this story.)

    The inkeepers slept in a chair behind the bar.  One flickering oil lamp hung over the table where the adventurers sat, casting odd shadows about.  Gourry was slumped in his chair, his head on the table as he snored among the empty bottles.  Filia had long gone to bed, and Xelloss had disappeared earlier.  Amelia was holding forth on theories of justice, gesticulating wildly with a half full mug of ale.
     "It's all about HEART!  And in your heart, you have to have a FLAME of JUSTICE and it BURNS.  The RIGHTEOUSNESS you feel brings nobility and TRUTH to....... uh....... are you even listening, Mr. Zelgadis?"
     "No, I'm not, Amelia."
     "Oh........... you know, I'm getting a little tired of yours and Miss Lina's cynicism and...... and if you think..... uh...... I'm....... "  Thunk!   Snore........
     "Yay!  She's out for the count!"  Lina crowed.  "Thank Ceipheed!  What was she saying, Zel, at the end there?  Zel?  What's wrong?"   Lina peered at the chimera.  He had a strange expression on his face, a mix of exasperation and concern.
      "We shouldn't have let her drink, Lina,"  he said as he looked at the passed-out princess.
      "Huh?  Aw, that's nothing.  You shoulda seen Naga!  She'd pack away a couple of barrels of ale, unless she could get her hands on something stronger."
      "Who's Naga?"   Zelgadis seemed to be as sober as ever, though in truth he was fairly drunk himself.  He just hid it better.
       "Chick I used to travel with, before Jellyfish there.  Tall, annoying, build like a brick outhouse, had this laugh that...... brrrrrrrr."  She shook herself for emphasis.  "Folks would run from her when she laughed."   The theatrical shiver made her even more lightheaded for a moment, and her eyes crossed a second before focussing in on Zelgadis again.
      One eyebrow arched ironically, Zelgadis said, "And you left that behind?  Imagine."
      "Shaddup!  You sound like Xelloss, that Mazoku bastard."
      "I thought you liked Xelloss?"
      Lina shook her head violently, like a wet dog.  "Nuh-uh!  Tricky bastard.  Sneakin' kisses when I don't like it, not from him, anyhow......"
      Zelgadis blinked.  "Who DO you want kisses from?"
      Lina flushed as red as her hair.    "FIRE--...... aw, forget it.  None of your business, 'kay?"
      Zelgadis nodded.  "Fair enough.  I'm going to put Amelia to bed.  What should we do about Gourry?"
      "Let 'im sleep.  Idiot can zonk out anywhere, anytime........"
      Zelgadis stood up.  The change in position got to him a moment and he staggered a bit.  Lina giggled.  With a glare, Zel straightened himself, and assuming an air of over-dignity, picked up the unconscious Amelia.  Carefully, he carried her up the stairs.
     Lina watched for a moment, then looked at Gourry.  Stupid jellyfish.  Her protector, ha!  As Zel disappeared at the top of the stairs, Lina wistfully wished that she were in his arms, not Amelia.  But it seemed very clear that Zelgadis, if he cared for anyone at all, cared for Amelia.  Lina began entertaining thoughts of Zel.  What would it be like to be held by him?  Though his skin was hard, it was warm.  Maybe like being hugged by a warm statue.  Were his lips softer?  Was he hard all over?  Lina felt a tugging in her stomach, or maybe lower, at the thought of what other parts of Zelgadis's body might be like.  She was feeling wild, dangerous, and free.  She began to fantasize about Zel.  What did he look like naked?  WHAT?!?!?  Lina slapped herself, but she couldn't shake the memory of Zel without his shirt, in her room, that time in Saillune.  Funny, the memory of Gourry half-undressed held no interest compared to Zel.  Maybe because Zel was so closed and mysterious.  'Heartless, mystical swordsman,' eh?  Gripped by a sudden wild impulse, Lina grabbed the last bottle on the table and staggered upstairs.

     Zelgadis carefully covered Amelia's sleeping form with a blanket.  Silly girl.  She'd regret it in the morning.  He figured they'd all get a speech about over-indulgence tomorrow.  As he opened the door to leave, he smiled a little, fondly, at the sleeping girl.  If anyone in this group evoked feelings of family, it was this naive child.  He knew she thought she loved him -- me?  a monster? -- but all he felt for her was brotherly affection, and sadly for her, that was the best he could do.  As he pulled the door closed, he looked up to see Lina standing in the hall.  And she looked shocked and frightened and horrified.  Zelgadis's heart thumped painfully in his chest.  No-one knew it, no-one guessed, but his unworthy love was reserved for the wild red-headed sorceress who stood before him.  Who presently looked like she'd seen a slug.  In that instant, his heart started to crack.
      Whispering, her eyes wide, Lina said, "You DO love Amelia, don't you?"
      Lina turned and flung herself at the door to her room.  Her breath caught in her throat and she fumbled for the latch, managed to get the door open, and staggered in.  She paused a moment in the middle of her room, and almost absently took a swig from the bottle in her hand.  Seeing that smile on Zelgadis's face made something crystallize in her that she'd never realized before.  Despite everything that had happened to them, despite Phibrizo and DarkStar and all, she'd always known that Gourry'd be there for her.  She'd never questioned after Phibrizo, or thought, and now anything she might have felt for Gourry had died from lack of nourishment.  But Zelgadis....... that strength, that mystery, that voice, those eyes, that intelligence and power....... she'd seen an equal in him, and she'd been caught, and she'd never realized it until now. 
     "Gourry may always be there for me, but he's an idiot, and now... now I see.... Oh, Zel,"  she muttered to herself.  "I missed the one treasure WORTH the having."
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