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                                                                         Tournament Conditions :
                                                   Sedat's Computer Chess Tournament (Auto232 - 90m + 30s)

Processors                  :
Main Memory              :
O/S                            :
Used GUI                    :
Tournament Type        .
Time Control               :
HashTable Size            :
Ponder                        :
Opening Book              :
Tablebases                  :
TB Cache                    :
Tournament Director    :
All Games are              :
Tournament's Start      :

A Pair of AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ 2.40 GHz
Windows XP Professional x64
ChessProgram9,DeepShredder10,ChessPatner 5.4,Arena 1.99b2
Auto 232 Engine-Matches,Round-Robin,Gauntlet
90 min + 30 sec
512 MB
Perfect X.ctg/.abk
32 MB
Sedat Canbaz
available at
Rating List
                                                                        SCCT Auto232 Rules/Details:
- Its not allowed slower,faster hardwares or adapted time controls
- All engines must be own original work (its not allowed clones)
- Its allowed only 1 Participant per Author
- All SMP (multi-processor) engines are running in Auto232 mode with ponder on and using 2 threads (2 CPU)
T2'' means that the SMP engines are using 2 threads (2 CPU )
- SMP engines are NOT allowed to play against each other in same interface and on the same computer
- For all GUI's are setuped separately folder of engines (each GUI uses different engine.exe)
- The computers are connected by via Null-Modem Cable (serial cable)
- Internet connection is disabled as protecting from viruses,sparms,warms...
- Deep Junior 9's Benchmark of all PC :4140 kn/s
   Program                            Score     %    Av.Op.  Elo    +   -    Draws

01 Rybka 2.1c x64 T2              :  79.5/100  79.5   2776   3011   68  66   25.0 %
02 Deep Shredder 10 x64 T2        :  67.5/100  67.5   2786   2913   55  54   39.0 %
03 Zap!Chess Paderborn T2         :  53.5/100  53.5   2795   2820   53  53   41.0 %
04 Deep Junior 10 T2              :  50.0/100  50.0   2797   2797   57  57   32.0 %
05 Spike 1.2 Turin                :  49.0/100  49.0   2798   2791   49  49   48.0 %
06 Fruit 060307                   :  47.0/100  47.0   2799   2778   48  49   50.0 %
07 Fritz 9                        :  43.0/100  43.0   2802   2753   53  54   40.0 %
08 Hiarcs 10                      :  42.5/100  42.5   2802   2750   49  49   49.0 %
09 Glaurung 1.2.1 x64 T2          :  42.0/100  42.0   2803   2746   56  56   34.0 %
10 Ktulu 8                        :  38.5/100  38.5   2805   2723   53  53   41.0 %
11 SmarThink 1.00 x64             :  37.5/100  37.5   2805   2717   59  59   29.0 %
                                                                          For Rating List  (All Versions )
                                                 The Leader - Rybka 2.1c x64 T2 - Congratulations to Vasik Rajlich  !!
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