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A review of character setup to animate a four legged robotic in 3D animation.

To animate a four legged robotic in 3D animation format it is very challenging. It is important to make the movement as real and life like as possible. Designing of the character and modeling is utmost important. Other than having a great character design and modeling, its character setup will play a very important role in the animation stage. Without a good and flexible character setup, it is hard to animate and key pose the character in its proper way and the desired animation. Otherwise the robotic will look stiff in the final animation.

The anatomy and skeleton of both the two legged robotic and four legged robotic are different, therefore different ways and method in the setup of both the two legged and four legged robotics would be applied. The research will first review the anatomy and skeleton built up for the four legged robotics; from then on, will identify the main joints and key factors to create an effective and flexible character setup for four legged robotic. Hence with this review we can make a smooth and life like animation.

Thesis Issue:
Character setup for four legged robotic is seldom seen in the market. With this research, it will provide a guideline and a case study as to how to create a flexible and effective setup for a four legged robotic. Proper and flexible character setup will enhance the animation of the four legged robotic and will facilitate the animation stage.

3D animation, character setup, believable and logical movement for four legged robotic

To create a flexible and effective character setup for the four legged robotic to make believable movement and smooth animation

- To analyze the skeleton and anatomy of the four legged robotic
- To identify the key factors and main joints that may affect a well and effective character setup for the four legged robotic
- To create a flexible character setup for the four legged robotic, which will be used to animate the four legged robotic easily in 3D animation

Thesis Development:
- Background study of the development of four legged character setup
- Compile useful and helpful information from books or movies which relates to four legged character setup
- Identify the main poses and joints that affect the setup of four legged robotic
- Create a flexible character setup for 3D four legged robotic

With good research and study can create a flexible and effective character setup for four legged robotic. The four legged robotic can be easily animated and key posed with flexible character setup.

Research relation to the Design Project Proposal:
The output of this research wills as a guideline to create a flexible and effective character setup for a four legged robotic, which will be very useful for my final animation to setup and to animate a four legged robotic.

Literature Review
- Abstract
- Introduction

- Chapter 1: Character setup tools in MAYA
- Chapter 2: Robotic
- Chapter 3: Character setup for four legged robotic in MAYA
- Chapter 4: Future Development & Recommendation

Chapter 2: Robotic

Other than using robotic in the heavy industry, robotic are popular and widely use in movies, animations and games. Robotic those are used in movies, animations and games are portrayed as fantastic, intelligent, even dangerous forms of artificial life. CG robotic is more flexible and lighter than a real robotic. The movement and design of the robotic are unlimited in CG world. The act of the robotic can be animated and key posed easily by using computer. Besides, it will save the cost and time to build a real robotic.

Many directors like to use robotic as the main character or props in their movies or animation such as “Terminator”, “Robocop”, “Artificial Intelligence”, “Transformer” and “Neon of Evangelion”. The output of the movie will look more futuristic and heavy metal which is one of the favorite type among the movie styles.

In this topic, a few of robotic are chosen, from TV series and movies, as examples. All the chosen robotic are four legged robotic which are related to the review title.


2.7.1 Robot Lions from TV series “Lion Voltron”
The show “Voltron” aired during 1984-1986. It became one of the highest watched cartoon shows during the entire 80's decade. “Voltron” was a 2D cartoon show that everyone had seen and enjoyed. It was created and designed in Japan.

The five young space explorers, Keith, Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and Sven prove equal to the challenge from King Zarkon, going through a series of dangerous adventures before recovering the five parts of Voltron - the Robot Lions - and bringing them together to form the incredible super-robot.

Vehicle mode - Robot Lions

Super robot mode - Voltron


2.7.3 Snarl from 3D TV series “Beast Machine”
After their victory in the Beast Wars, the heroic Maximals return to their home world of Cybertron. But Megatron - leader of the evil Predacons has enslaved the planet with an army of vehicular Transformers called Vehicons. Haunted by this new force, the Maximals face their greatest challenge yet as they struggle to free their planet!

Deluxe Snarl

Strategic Specialist
"They won't even see it coming!"

As a strategic genius, Snarl is a critical component of the Maximal command. Has the uncanny ability to sense his opponent's weaknesses and exploit them to Maximal advantage. Considers Vehicons a substandard challenge to his abilities-desires a match of tactics and cunning against Megatron where the victor wins the war over Cybertron. Has an ambush style of attack that rarely leaves his enemies the option of survival.


2.7.2 AMEE from movie “Red Planet”
“Red Planet” is a movie that is directed by Anthony Hoffman. It is an exciting science fiction thriller based on scientific facts, including theoretical notions on how to "terra form" Mars to become inhabitable. The release date is on November 2000.

AMEE (Autonomous Mapping Evaluation and Evasion), a four legged robot with attitude, is the computer generated villain and star of this film. It is on loan from the military to help the crew to explore Mars. When the crew crash lands, AMEE reverts back to military mode and becomes their antagonist. It is created by Cinesite Visual Effect.


After the review, understanding the basic knowledge and tools are important for the beginner or user. Before applying setup to the character, the knowledge of basic tools, which will enhance the character setup, are necessary and is important to the animator. Besides, knowing the correct flow will fasten the progress to create a flexible character setup for the four legged robotic or other character. Planning is the first step to achieve success. Your skill will be good only if you are good in the basics. "Knowing the basics provides the tools for expression."


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